Chapter 12

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I rub my cold hands together before cupping them to my mouth and blowing hot air into them. This is what I get for for not wearing gloves to the lacrosse game. I managed to pile on enough layers, yet I managed to forget my gloves. Now I get to have frozen hands all night long.

Scott thinks that now that Derek is in jail, it's safe for him to play in the game tonight. Personally, I still think it is a bad idea because he could easily change into a werewolf. Lacrosse is a very aggressive game, a game that a teen wolf should not play.

"Do you think he will score any points?" Mom rests her hands on her thighs, watching as the lacrosse teams walks out on the field in their gear.

"I'm sure he will." I keep my eyes on my brother and Stiles talking. "Can I have some of your water?"

"I've been meaning to ask you something, Ellie." Mr. Stilinski tells me, sitting on my left side with my Mom on my right. "Is there something going on with you and my son that I should know about?"

I choke on the water I just took a sip of that my mom handed to me. "W-What?" I gasp for air.

Mr. Stilinski pats me on my back, confused by my reaction. "Aren't you two dating?"

I wipe my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket when I can finally breathe. "W-Why would you t-think that?" I stare up at him, wide eyed.

"Wait. You two aren't dating yet? I thought you two would have gotten together after that party." Mom joins the conversation.

I glance back between the two of them, incredulously. "Can we talk about something else?" I plead.

"You just need to grab that boy and kiss him already." Mom points to Stiles on the bench.

My face flares a bright red. This is not happening to me right now. I'm so thankful that Scott is the one with advanced hearing and not Stiles. Oh gosh. That would be so embarrassing.

"I've seen the way Stiles looks at you-"

"I don't know about you guys, but taking advice about the guy I like from my mom and his dad is really weird for me!" I shift on the bleacher, awkwardly.

Mr. Stilinski and my Mom share a look. Why are they looking at each other like that? They should not be doing that! I start to feel even more uncomfortable by the second. I really regret sitting with them now.

"Stiles has already told me what he thinks about you." Mr. Stilinski states, nonchalantly.

"What? What did he say?" I snap my head in his direction. Stiles told his Dad about how he feels for me? Does that mean he likes me back? "Stiles said something about me?"

"I thought you said this was weird for you?" Mom raises an eyebrow at me, questioningly. "I think Stiles is looking for you." She points down to the team benches, where Stiles is searching through the people in the bleachers until his eyes land on me. He waves me down with a quick motion of his hand.

I push away from the bleachers, happy to get from my Mom and his Dad. I jump off of the bleachers and make a bee line for Stiles. I pass Coach Finstock talking to Scott on my way to where Stiles is sitting. I push the hair out of my face, sitting down next to my best friend.

"Why's your face so red?" Stiles pulls his lacrosse glove out of his mouth.

"Uh..It's really cold." I think of a lie that he will believe. There is no way that I will tell Stiles about what I was just talking about with our parents. Yes, I want to know what Stiles said about me, if he even did say something about me at all, but I don't want to bring it up to Stiles.

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