"Are you cryin-"

"NO!" He quickly removes his hands from mine and gets up from beside me. He walks over to where my jacket is lying as he grabs it and hands it over to me. I quickly wear it as my stare stay fixed on Zayn's face as he looks everywhere but not towards me.

I never knew I would see Zayn cry one day. He looks like a person who doesn't have feelings and is heartless. But deep down inside there is a heart which beats, which still shows that he cares, which makes him a human being. Every person has feelings, no matter how tough they try to be. But why is he trying to hide it and show that he is heartless?

"Why do you hide your emotions, Zayn?" Before I can even think about it, these words leave my mouth, making him look at me with a serious look.

"I can ask you the same question, Maire." He says, his expressions still not changing as he tries to maintain his hard persona. "Why do you show the world that you're not in pain?"

No matter what I say, his words did hit me. I mean, he could see that I'm hiding my feelings, my emotions, my pain, which no one else ever did.

"I'm not hiding anything." I quickly say before walking past him to the forest inside. I hear his footsteps follow me as I keep on walking. I don't want to turn back and join the rest of the students right now or in any way come in contact with Harrison, who I thought was a good person.

After so many years, I started thinking I was getting along with someone, but I was wrong. I shouldn't even be with Zayn, because I know he might be upto something as well. But my heart doesn't let those moments go when he saved me from those people who tried to drown me or almost sexually harrass me. Zayn might be annoying, but he is the guy who helped me whenever I needed someone. He had been there for me both the times. He even tried to stop me from going with Harrison, and even now he can leave me alone, but he still decides to join me.

"How did you know where we were?" I ask him as I keep on walking and he finally catches my speed, walking beside me, pushing back the tree branches with his hands.

"I was following you two because I didn't trust him." He admits, making me lift up my head and look at him, when my foot stumbles and I fall inside the puddle of mud in the next few seconds, causing all my clothes to soak in the mud. Zayn quickly jumps back from me, looking over at his clothes for a hint of mud splash, when he finds none.

It seems like his senses just started working that he realized I'm lying in the puddle of mud, as he quickly looks up at me and does something which I wasn't expecting.

He bursts into laughter.

"What?!" I throw my arms in the air, in dissapointment as I look over at him with my body and face covered with dirt.

"Help me, you idiot!" I raise my voice, which seems so low due to his loud laughs which are almost echoing in this forest, as he clutches his stomach and bend over a little, pointing at me like a five year old and making fun of me.

With my fingers, I wipe the access of dirt from my mouth and eyes, as Zayn steps forward and then again takes steps back from me, making me look at him in disbelief.

"I am so not touching you like this. Stay in there, you look cute!" He laughs, talking in between, making me gasp at him.

Did he just call me cute?

Shut up, Maire. He is making fun of you. Don't fangirl over him calling you cute which is to only make fun of you.

"I hate you!" I groan, getting up from the puddle, as I walk out of it with my clothes stuck to my body and the mud all over it, making me whine.

Our Modern Fairytale (ZM) [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن