Waiting For Superman- A Team Crafted/ CaptianSparklez Fanfic

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                Let me just start by saying I’m a hopeless fangirl. I’ve accepted it at this point; it pretty much rules my life. But I don’t care.

                It almost hurts sometimes, the amount of overwhelming admiration I have for them. I want to meet them, know them. Yet, I feel like I know them better than anyone else in the real world.

                When I say them, I mean youtubers. Minecraft playing youtubers, to be specific. Bajan Canadian, ASFJerome, and the rest of Team Crafted. And Captain Sparklez. I watch them every day, almost obsessively.

                Why? They are the only things that make me happy anymore. I don’t have many friends; I’m absorbed in schoolwork the majority of the time, and my love life is non-existent. After all, who would want a weird nerd that’s always on her computer?

                I’m not going to lie, it sucks. But I can’t bear to give them up. I’m not sure what would happen if I did. I’ve never met them, but I want to desperately. I know it’s hopeless; I’d never be able to afford the tickets to mine-con. Even if I did, I’m just another fan. They’d see right over my head. And that makes me even more upset.

                So my name is Ali Jones. I’m 18, a senior in high school. I have a full load of AP classes, and I’m bound for vet school. So I don’t have a lot of time for a social life, that is, if I want to sleep. When I’m not doing homework, I’m on the computer. I live in Seattle; rainy, cold, Seattle, Washington. My family’s not rich. Middle class at best. Our internets slow, my minecraft crashes all the time, but I’d go through anything to watch them, even if it’s only a few minutes per day.

                “Ali!” my mom yells form down stairs. I’m in the middle of a Hunger Games episode, so I’d rather not be interrupted. “What!?” I yell back. “We’re going shopping, get down here!” I groan, pausing the video right before d-match starts. I check my reflection in the mirror. I wouldn’t call myself gorgeous, but I’m not hideous either. I put my blonde hair in a messy bun and quickly apply some dark grey eyeliner to by blue eyes. I pull on a take back the night sweatshirt and run down the stairs.

                “It’s the last week of high school and we are going candle shopping?” I say incredulously. She’s got to be kidding. My mom gives me a warning look. “Yes. It’s your aunts birthday next week and you know how much she wants that candle collection.” I roll my eyes “You can run around the mall if you want.” I sigh. She doesn’t seem to get it. Running around the mall by yourself isn’t that fun. But hey, I can go to GameStop.

                My spring fever is unimaginably bad, considering I graduate so soon. I catch myself starring at Hollister swimsuits, but then remember that I live in Seattle, and there are no pools, because its ALWAYS RAINING. And I have no friends to go with. That too. I blink, looking away. As I walk, I pull down the sleeves of my sweatshirt over my hands, and cross my arms, feeling cold. I see GameStop in the distance, and hurry toward it. Finally, something not depressing.

                As I enter the considerably warmer store, I browse through the games on the back wall. I haven’t gotten GTA 5 yet, I remember. I grab it off the wall eagerly. This can be my graduation present to myself. I will probably spend all summer playing it. As I walk to the cashier, something impossible happens. My eyes widen, and I stop breathing at the sight of someone I never in a million years thought I would see. The blood rushes to my head, and I feel myself fall backwards into a rack of CD’s, causing a loud crashing noise. Oh great, I think as everything goes fuzzy.

A/N: This is the beginning!! Let me know what you guys thought, hopefully a new chapter up soon! Also comment who you think she saw o_0

Stay Dauntless doods;)

Waiting For Superman- A Team Crafted/ CaptianSparklez FanficWhere stories live. Discover now