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Josh's P.O.V.

"Morning." Simon says as I slowly wake up to his beautiful face.

"Hi." I said wiping the crust out of my eyes.

"Do you know what today is?" He asked with the most ridiculous smile on his face.

"Oh no, your not suppose to see the bride." I said laughing as he punched me on the shoulder.

"Shut up, you big doofus. Today is a special day." He said looking down.

"Oh, you don't think I know that. I'm marrying the man of my dreams." I said lifting his head so he was looking me straight in the eyes.

"You want this, right?" He said as his eyes filled with hope.

"Of course I do, I love you and I'm not running anymore. I'm here to stay, with you." I said as his eyes filled with excitement and he started to lean in, "no, no, no, not until we say those two words."

"Fine." He said giving me puppy dog eyes.

"How about this, I'm going to go make you the most wonderful breakfast while you take a shower and get ready. While you eat, I am going to take a shower and then I'm going to run off to where ever the hell Tobi wanting me to meet him and you are going to meet up with JJ." I said as he smiled.

"Fine, okay, okay. I love you Joshua." He said as we both got out of bed.

"And I love you, now get in the bathroom. I don't know how you expect me to just look at you in no shirt and not want to make out with you." I said as he started to laugh and walked into the bathroom.

I slowly walked over to the kitchen. Seeing Tobi and Vik talking to each other.

"Hey. I was just about to make breakfast for Simon." I said as they both laughed.

"Don't be silly, today's the big day. We made you guys food. You eat and then get ready and then we leave." Tobi said patting me on the back and sitting me down to eat.

I just looked at Vik as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. Don't ask me. I'm not your best man. He is." Vik said walking off as I just laughed.

JJ slowly sat down in front of me, just looking at me. Not saying a word.

"Look, I know that what I've done to Simon and all of you guys was wrong. But I'm here to stay JJ, I love him. I love him more than anyone in my whole entire life." I said as he nodded.

"I know, I know. I'm really happy for you two. I just can't believe that it's actually happening. You're both getting married. We're all growing up." He said making me laugh.

"Just cause we are getting married doesn't mean we won't still have fun and do all of the stupid things we do now." I said as he looked up at me.

"Honest?" He said as I smiled.


"What are you two doing?" Simon said walking into the room.

"Oh, just talking. But that's my sign to go. Goodbye Simon." I said waving goodbye going to my room.

~later that night~

"Ready?" Tobi said grabbing my hand, realizing I was shaking.

"I....I can't..... I can't believe today's the day." I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

He grabbed my cheek and wiped away the tear.

"Today is yours and Simon's. You two deserve this." He said smiling as he got up and left the room.

We decided on not inviting too many people. We wanted to be more intimate and between the people who truly love us.

I walked down to the door to wait for Simon. We decided upon walking down the aisle together. He slowly walked over to me and grabbed my hand. He was beautiful. The music started to play as we walked down.

We got to the end of the aisle and faced towards each other.

(Skipping to the vows because yeah)

"I would like to go first," I said as I cleared my voice, "Simon, you've stayed with me through times that I didn't think anyone wanted to see me at. My whole entire life, I've had this abusive father, who never truly loved me. It was hard when my mum left and I thought that when I would get that same sickness you would be like my dad. I was insane for thinking something like that of you. That's what I love most about you, how much you love everyone else and how much you would give for everyone else. You are my everything and more. At one point, Well multiple points in my life, I didn't have a reason to live. It felt like nothing was good and nothing could go right in my life. But you, you were there.....and..... and you took care of me. That's why I love you and that's why I trust you. I'm sorry, for all of the crap I put you through because I'm here now. I'm going to hold on for as long as I possibly can."

He grabbed my cheek and wiped away the tears. As he then cleared his throat to speak.

"Josh, the first time we met I was even more socially awkward than i am at this very moment. I remember meeting Tobi before you, so Tobi kind of comforted me. The funny part was, was I couldn't stop looking at you. I think Tobi noticed at one point and had pushed me towards you. You two were so much fun to hang out with. I remember in one GTA video I asked if I could be part of twelve years gang and you said yes because it has felt like you've known me for that long. In all honesty I feel like I've known you since the day I first had memories. Everything about you is perfect to me. I forgive you for any wrong you have done, because you are the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you Joshua Bradley. I always have and I always will." He said as the ceremony went on and we exchanged rings.

(After the wedding)

It was time for our first dance married. I walked onto the floor holding Simon's hand as he just smiled.

"I suck at dancing." He said as I laughed.

"Yeah, we may have a crowd that will for sure make fun of us, but we're doing this because we love each other. Just follow my lead." I said grabbing his hand.

He put his arm on my shoulder as I put mine on his waist. We then slowly started to dance, letting the music lift our feet.

I started to go back and forth, moving our feet to the beat. He looked so scared but I held onto him. I'll always hold on to him. As long as I possibly can.

"I love you Josh." He said obviously getting a little emotional.

"And I love you Simon. Forever and always." I said as I twirled him through the night.

A/N: so I know I haven't uploaded in a while. I've been meaning to upload, I just haven't found the time to. I wanted to make sure that these last three chapters are good and not just put together. I am hoping that I'll have the next chapter out tomorrow, but no promises.

Also, the sequel to College Chat is coming out the day of the last chapter of this book. So yeah!!! Bye!

The Outcome -minizerk AU- (sequel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora