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Josh's P.O.V.

So this is my third week of chemo. They are thinking about changing the type of chemo because it's been doing absolutely nothing the type we are doing now. The only thing it does it keeps it from spreading. Other than that the cells and still multiplying.

With Freya, the calls don't come as often and I think that is more scary then when she would lie to me about the calls. I don't know anymore. I'm just done.

I got up once again and did the thing that I would do every Sunday, I got up and went to the desk. I grabbed a pen and paper.

Dear Simon,

So this is my third note and my third week of chemo. They are thinking about changing my chemo because this one still hasn't gotten rid of the cells. They're still multiplying. I just hope that when I do change they don't start spreading.

But enough about me, what's up with you? I know that in a couple of days would've been our wedding day. I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry I built up your hopes to just tumble them down. I thought I was getting better. I was building my hopes up too. To bad that wasn't enough.


I went to the box and opened it up and put the letter inside. I saw a picture and picked up as I looked at it and remembered the exact moment.


"Simon, look up." I said as he looked at me and I took the picture.

"Why are you taking a picture of me?" He said laughing as he swung on the swing.

We were both at a park near our house that barely anyone ever went to. It was just at the end of the day and the sun was going down.

"Because your eyes are glimmering perfectly with the sunset." I said as he laughed even more and then jumped off and sat next to me on the ground.

"You know, you're really good at that." He said looking at the photos on the camera with me.

"Thanks." I said as I looked up at the boy that I loved taking photos of.

"Why are there so many pictures of me?" He asked laughing as he looked up at me.

"Because you're beautiful." I said as he leaned in and kissed me.

~flashback over~

I kind of forgot about that. The times where I would just take pictures because I saw a beautiful sight. Now I feel like I am always locked up inside of the apartment. Unable to see the beautiful views, Simon.

A/N: sorry I didn't upload earlier. It is almost the end of my summer so I've been trying to do things other than sitting in bed writing and watching YouTube.

Also tomorrow is my Grandma's birthday so I'm making a cake for her so that is also something that I have to do.

Anyway, I'm sorry that I didn't upload earlier but I'm going to upload again, like I said I'm uploading this book twice a day. So yeah, it might change during the school year but yeah. That's all, bye!

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