"When you walked out on the proposal at the office, I told him that we had a little fight. You know...friends fight? I just made something up. When you came back inside and agreed, he got convinced. Because in his mind if it was a minor fight, then it can easily be resolved. I told him that we still communicated over the years, because he felt that we seemed distant and asked me about it. He was skeptical but left it alone. Mom was the only one who knew what was really going on. She always does, but pretended as if she has no clue". He chuckled and I smile. Which also means she could know a lot of things that Nicolas doesn't want her to know.

"That day when we were speaking in Italian after you woke up.....she told me to be certain that your the one I want....". He leaned closer.

"But I don't want you bambino.....I need you". I look into his wonderful bright brown eyes as he gazed into mine.

"I need you Il mio amore". I replied. He smiled and we leaned closer to each other.

"Do you know how crazy you made me feel when you said that I'm worth dying for?" He softly said gazing at me with passion blazing from his eyes.

"I meant every word". I softly and honestly told him.

"Hmm". That's all he said before I leaned closer and kissed him. He part his lips and put a hand on the back of my head.

"Michael we've got to go!"

"Hmmm". I moaned and wrap my hands around his neck.

I got disappointed when he gently pulled away, having my lips quivering for more.

"I'm sorry Principessa. I need to go before we turned the heat up too much". He half smiled. I removed my hands from his firm neck.

"Where are you going?" I asked in a baby tone.

"Preparing for the party".

"Can't I come? I always feel lonely when your not around".

"Hmm. I know you do. But I don't think you should be moving around too much anymore. Your wound is not completely healed. So please lay down and whatever you want I'll have it delivered to you ok". I sigh.

"Yeah ok. I feel tired anyways". He smiled satisfyingly and pushed his hands in his pocket.

"Here's your phone". He handed it to me and I smiled.

"Took you long enough. I took one from the room but I'm not sure where I left it".

"Oh really. Did you call Lenoy?" How did he know that? Seems like I can't hide anything from this godforsaken Greek god.

"Um...I called to ask about my company. How did you know that I called him?" I frowned in curiosity.

"I didn't. My boy Leon taught me a lot about psychology". He chuckle.

"Hm so a gave myself away then?" He nod.

"Si. Pretty much". He said while he arc his eyebrow then set it back to normal.

"I knew you'd want to enquire about the management of your company".

I giggle.

"Ok whatever get out. I need some rest". He stand, then I lay and put my phone beside me, close to my dress.

"So much for someone who feels lonely when I'm not around". He smirked.

"Get out". I said smiling shyly. He chuckle and kneel at my bed.

"One more thing before I get out...". I rolled my eyes. He pulled something from his pocket and my eyes widen after a saw a small black suede box in his hand, holding it close to my face. It isn't as small as a ring box, its bigger but not too big. Is this what I think it is?

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