Chapter 24 ~ Coma, Mental breakdown and Relationships

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Chapter 24

I rushed into the hospital, niall beside me. Tears were streaming down my face, the receptionist told us she is in icu. I rushed to the room, and there I saw from window, that she had oxygen mask on, her head was covered with white bandages and so as well her hand.

I broke down, niall held me close. I feel so horrible, I wish I was even there just to save her, for getting hurt. She always saved me, and I, what I did, I just let her getting hurt.

"If something happens to her, I would die," I said crying my heart out, niall just hold me close to him, comforting me. He was trying to make me think everything was ok, but I know it isn't. 

The doctor came out, with a nurse giving her some file. I pulled away and rushed to doctor.

"Doctor, how is ashley, is she ok?" Doctor just shake his head, and then look at me and then niall.

"We tried to save her, but i'm sorry she is in coma now," As words came out of doctor's mouth, my heart beat stopped, I was going to fall but niall hold me. 

"Just pray for her, only a miracle can save her," He said before going past us. 

"No, no, no, no, she will be okay, she have to be, no it can't happen," I started to say. I really can't she have to get better, 

 I just sit on bench numb. All I can remember is that niall was comforting me, but before he can say anything further everything went black.

I woke up at the sound of machines, and my hand feeling warm, as I look where I was, I saw niall's head on my hand, I moved a little, which made him look at me.

"Emily, thank god you're awake, I was so scared, how are you feeling?" He asked as he placed the pillow behind me so I can sit properly. I have no idea how I end up being on hospital bed.

"What happen niall," I asked as a pain rushed through my head.

"You passed out, doctor said it was a mental breakdown, you would be awake in hours," He said. Mental breakdown? But why? Oh god ashley.

"Niall ashley, did she awake? Where is she?" I asked, niall just hold me.

"She didn't wake up, and harry is with him," He said,

"Harry?" Why he was here? How did he know?

"Yeah, I told him, and its been 10 hours since he is with him," I nodded. I started to feel thirsty so niall gave me water.

"I hope she will wake up," I said as niall hold my hand, I look at him, he was here for me, he really is. I can't even imagine my life if niall wasn't here, he is still here. He loves me.

"Thank you," The words slipped out of my mouth before i can even think, he looked at me confused.

"Thank you for always being here for me, I don't know if I could ever survive, if.. if you weren't here for me," He leaned and kiss my forehead.

"Emily, I'm always here for you till my last breath, don't ever think that i'll leave you," He nodded cupping my cheek.

The day went really hard, I was fine now, but still I was depressed. Niall was by my side, he keep asking me if i need anything, for which I just shake my head. I was in ashley's room, where harry was holding her hand just staring at her, he was in tears, niall convinced him to go home but he keep saying he wants to stay here, for which we agreed.

Niall took me home, I was exhaust so as I went into my room, I just went to sleep.


I woke up at the ringing of my phone, it was harry. I picked up the call, maybe something happened.

"Harry, what happen?" I asked, moving out from bed.

"Emily. ashley woke up. She moved and then her eyes opened," I screamed, oh my gosh, my sister woke up.

"Ok, i'll be there," I said going in my closet and wearing some leggings and shirt. I brush my teeth and wore my sneakers, niall was already ready so we just went to hospital/

As I came to icu I saw ashley sitting on bed talking to harry, as she look at she grinned. I run towards and hug her tightly. I cried on her shoulder. She is my half, and I just can't even bear to lose her, and now she is back and alive.

"U-mm, em, c-cant b-reath" As she said, I losened my grip and pulled away from her giggling.

"Sorry," She just smiled.

"How are you, are you okay? Does anything hurt, tell me? Do you want anything?" I asked, she just shake her head laughing.

"I'm perfectly fine, don't worry," I nodded.

"Doctor said that she can go home tomorrow, they just have to keep her in observation for next 24 hours, to see if she got any internal hurt or not" I nodded and harry told me. I look at harry and he kissed ashley's hand, and then cupped her cheek, for which ashley closed her eyes. Well something happened, which I think i don't know.

"Well, do you guys need to tell us something?" I said as ashley look at me, her eyes going wide and then she glanced at harry.

"Um, we are together now, me and ashley" Harry said, his cheeks going red and ashley blushing hard.

"Congratulations mate," Niall said, as he hug her. I hug ashley, I shoved lightly.

"Congratulations harry, I'm really for you both, all the best" I said side hugging harry.

"I'm craving some coffee, does anyone want one," I asked, everyone nodded.

"Ok, I'll get it," I said but then niall hold my hand.

"I'll come with you," He said and then started to walk beside me, I was going out when I remember something.

"Now, you guys, while we're gone, keep your hands of yourself," I said smirking, they both look confused.

"I don't want you guys to start making babies over here, ok. You can do it at home," Harry laughed louder while ashley playfully glared at me.


Hey guys, so early update, because on 21st was my bday like yesterday so yeah i turned 19, wohooo... So i thought why not an update, and I finally got out of school, so there will be more chapters until 1st january. Speaking of january, I'm also starting a new book called 'you&I' I uploaded the prologue, its in external link,  so you guys can check it out, ok. Love u all xx


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