Chapter 16 ~ Confuse Truth, Leparchun and Going back home

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Chapter 16

I moved backwards pushing other people. His smirk and those brown eyes were making a hole in me. Tears came in my eyes but I force them not to fall.

"Ash," I went to ash who was talking to joe, I took her hand and dragged other side where no one can listen our conversation.

"Ashley, did you invite cody?" I asked crossing my hands on my chest.

"Who cody?" She asked.

"We only know one cody," 

"Oh yeah, no I didn't. Why?" I made her look at that side where cody was standing talking with a girl.

"I swear emily, I didn't called him, I wasn't even in contact with him" I nodded.

He was coming to our side, smiling at us. I started to get scared, my hands were shaking. Ashley squeezed my hand, assuring me that she is here for me. How I wish niall was here.

"Hey ashley, long time no see" He said looking at ashley. Ashley rolled her eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She said, glaring at him. I was just by side of ashley.

"Come on sweety, it's a party, and as you know I really love parties" He said, I really wanna punch him in face and beat him till my anger cool down. 

"So? Just leave now," Ashley said,

"Come on I was invited here," He said, I can't believe he was invited but by who. Who will do that?

"Hey man," A boy hugged him and when I saw it was no one but joe.

"Hey joe, what's up? Nice party" He said smirking at my side.

"Oh yeah," He said and then the two boys got in conversation. Me and ashley went to meet our friends.

Cody's smirking eyes were still glued on me. He was seeing me from up to down shamlessly. What does he think of himself!

"Hey babe," A voice said in my ear, and when I saw it was cody. I moved away from him, but he snatched my hand bringing me closer to him. I was alone that time now. He hands move on my face cupping my cheek and then rubbing my lips. I closed my eyes entire time. I have no idea what he is gonna do to me.

"You look so hot tonight, huh" He said, and then he placed his hands on my waist pushing me into him. His face was so close to me that I can even listen his breath.

"Leave me, alone" I whisper looking other side.

"Do you really think I will obey you." His ugly smirk was still on his face.

"Please," I tried to push away but he tightened his grip which made me whimper in pain.

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