Chapter 14 ~ Friday night party, Making cupcakes and Tour

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Chapter 14

I groaned as alarm went off telling me its time to wake up. I crawled out of bed went to washroom taking shower and brushing my teeth.

Today the day is cold, so I figure out I should wear something warm. I wore grey knitted jumper, with black leggings. I heated the curling wand, and curl my hair. I did my regular make up and then wore knitted beanie and black boots.

I was eating breakfast when my iphone made a ding voice.

It was a message from niall.

You look cute in a beanie..

How does he knows I'm in a beanie? I send him a message.

How do you know?

Look outside..

I went to look out the window and saw my gorgeous boyfriend leaning against his car.

I took my bag and locked the house behind me going to him.

"Good morning beautiful" niall said as he took my hand and kiss it.

I came closer to him, his hands were resting on my waist. I wanted to stay like this forever.

"I think we should get going" I said, he just smirked.

Niall leans in and kiss me softly, grinning in kiss.

"let's go" He finally said and opened door for me. How gentlemen!


"Emily please" It was time for lunch and ashley was convincing me to come at a party that she organised on friday,

" Ashley, you know that I don't go to these type of things." I said, I'm really not a girl who love parties or getting drunk.

"Please for me," she gave me puppy eyes, now I can't say no to her.

"Fine I'll come'' I said,

"But I'll bring niall too" she nodded.


"So are you coming over tonight?" I was walking in my room as I was on phone with niall. 

"Yeah, I am. I'll be there in 10" I nodded,

"Are you sure, you don't want to come with me on friday?" I was trying to convince him that he should come with me at party but he can't. He have interview next day.

"Yeah, I wish I could come" 

"Me too, ok I'll see you in a while," I said before hanging up.

I went to kitchen to see if the cupcakes were ready, and yeah they were. I decide to make cupcakes because niall never tasted any dishes made from me, so I made these.

Cold Coffee (Niall Horan)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon