Chapter 21 ~ High school photos, Target and New Hair

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Chapter 21

It's been some weeks since what joe told me. I'm still confuse that what he said is true, maybe it is, but I still think that niall won't do this to me, he can't betray me. I can see the truth in his eyes and they always says that he truly loves me.

I woke up late that night, remembering my past, I look through photos of my high school. Those 3 years were so great. I cherish every moment of it, but senior year was like a hell.

I look at one photo, it was of me, ashley, james and jake, we were grinning and jake hand was placed on my waist. It was party at ashley's house.

It was the perfect day, or the day I met jake. His smile was the first thing that took my heart. 

Flashback starts

"Ash, where are we going?" I asked my best friend, but she won't say anything. I was at ashley's party and I was currently dancing with ash, but then she saw someone and took me also.

"Hey james," Ashley said to james, he is ash's boyfriend. There was a guy standing with james, smiled at my side. 

My heart skipped a beat, I look other side, hiding my blush. He winked at me, but I tried to show him I don't care.

"Emily, this is jake, james's childhood friend and jake, this is my best friend emily"  Ashley introduced, he nodded and then I shake his hand. He came closer to me.

I can feel my heart beat in my throat, he was so close to me. His eyes looking in my eyes. I can feel his hand tracing my fingers. His smile which can make many girls weak on knees.

"Hey, i must say you're really beautiful," A smirk placed on his lips. I can feel that this guy would be my future, and I won't let him go.

A wipe the tears that spill down my eyes, I can't cry for that asshole, he betrayed me, and now I won't cry for him. 

I looked at the clock, and saw the time, it was 4am. Really? I stayed up this late. I got up quickly and tossed the pictures in a drawer and turned off the lights before going to sleep.


Today is saturday, and I decided to go shopping with ashley. I haven't got anything new, and I really need them and plus ashley apologized for what joe said, but I still believe what he said, maybe he is right, and I'm just so confused right now, so that's why i'm going shopping so I can take my mind off these tensions.

I dried my hair, and wore an orange sleeveless collar blouse, with some printed leggings and black boots. I put my hair in a high pony tail and took my bag and off I go.

I got in my car, and drove to ashley's house, she was already waiting outside, so she hopped in and then we head to starbucks to get something to drink, as we got our drinks we sit on a table in starbucks. I was drinking in silence.

I was thinking about niall, he haven't called me in like a week, even though he calls me everyday, but he do sent me texts. I can't blame him, his third album is coming out and he must be very busy, and today there was also book signing, so he must be exhaust and tired.

"Something is bothering you?" Ashley asked, looking at me suspicious. I smiled and shake my head.

"Come on tell me," I took a deep breath, and decided to tell her.

"I'm so confused ash, you know what joe said, I think he is right, maybe n-" I was cut off by ash,

"Listen emily, you love niall and he loves you so whatever joe said isn't important, he is stupid and asshole and niall he is so sweet, and honest. You deserve to be loved, which he does, I don't think he would take you as a charity or something" I nodded, 

"Yeah, I know, these flashbacks just keep disturbing me" I said, eating my chocolate muffin.

"I think you need to see a doctor, or just stay away from depression and stress" She cupped my cheek. Ashley is my second sister, who always take care of me. She always makes sure that I don't get hurt.

"Ok come on, let's head to mall," I nodded, we left the starbucks and drove to target. The best mall ever.

As we got inside, we head to food section. I really need some baking items, as I'm trying my cooking skills, then after getting groceries we went to clothes and make up sections, and got some products, and then finally to books and cds section, and there I saw niall on cover of a magazine.

I smiled thinking about sweet memories we had. He really make everyone happy, specially his fans, there is something about that really make me love him more.

"Are we done?" Ashley snapped me out of thoughts, I nodded and placed that magazine where it was and went to counter, after that we went to many malls.

Now we were heading to car, with our heavy bags. We dropped that bags in houses and went to a beauty parlour, to get something exciting and that was changed the colour of our hair, I didn't change it, but ashley did, she got blonde hair, and I just colour the tip of my hair in blonde. It was really cool and unique.

We took some photos and posted on instagram and twitter. I was looking through some of my photos when I got a notification, it was from instagram.

niallhoran: My girlfriend really look cute, how much I miss your smile and your voice, will see you soon can't wait xx


Hi guys, so sorry for long wait, I was so busy in schools, and plus I was distracted, and guess what guys, I'm gonna pre-order midnight memories tomorrow, so yeah I'm excited about it so muchhhh, and tell me in comments have you pre-ordered it now, or not and if you had, which song you are excited to listen, well me, I think black dress or you&I and diana too, which came out today! So yeah, and plz guys do vote and comment!!


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