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Everyone was sitting in the living room, getting ready for a movie marathon.

Some of the them brought the blankets, some brought the pillows, some brought the popcorn, and some brought the nachos, leaving Jongin oppa and me to me alone. We were both sitting on the floor, with me in between his legs and my back against his chest, and his arms wrapped around me.

"Feels good that now everyone knows we're an item, there's no need to hide," He uttered, playing with my hair.

"Hmm," I hummed and snuggled closer to him.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA THERE'S NO NEED FOR KINKY TEENAGERS NOR IS THERE A NEED FOR PORN," Baekhyun oppa boomed as he strode in with the drinks. As soon as everyone was ready, we started the movie.

Halfway into the movie, Jongin oppa started fidgeting uncomfortably. Finally, I could not take it.

"What's wrong?" I asked, turning to look back at him.

"Remind me never to let you wear any of my v-neck tees ever again please," He shifted uncomfortably once again.

"Why?" I asked, feigning innocence when I clearly knew he was talking about the boys being able to see my cleavage.

"The boys can see your cleavage and I'm sure you don't want the world to see your cute Doraemon bra, do you?" He voiced out as I looked down to check, embarrassed.

"Grab me some popcorn," I intended to change the subject.

Luckily, it seemed to work.

"You've finished a bowl already. Stop eating, you're gonna get fat," He teased.

"I already am and you still love me so fuck it," I whispered as he handed me another bowl.

"I'm gonna break up with you when you're too fat," He threatened as a joke.

"Oh then why are you still handing me another bowl?" I giggled.

"Cus if I don't feed you, you might eat me?" He gave me a pervy stare.

"Honey, I only eat things that taste good," I smiled and batted my eyelashes.

"You assuming my ding dongs don't taste good? Wait till you taste me," He retaliated.

"I prefer to call them Jongin's younger brother," I chortled softly.

"Shut up, I call my dick whatever I like," He rolled his eyes.

"Hey you kids, shut up we're watching a movie right now not a fucking debate!" Suho oppa scolded.

"Guys, why isn't Yoojin here to annoy us today?" Sehun asked.

Soon enough, the doorbell rang.

"Speak of the devil," I rolled my eyes, ready to take in all the shit she was about to throw at me. The members whined and threw their pillows at Sehun for even mentioning her as if if he didn't, she wouldn't show up.

As soon as she walked in, she gave Jongin oppa the flirtiest look as I clenched my first. When she saw me sitting in between his legs, she threw me the coldest look, as if she was making sure I would die today. That was my first call to beat her, and I ignored it. Good job Jae, good job, self control. I took a deep breath. We continued watching the movie and she joined.

That was when she 'accidentally' poured popcorn over me when she 'accidentally' tripped on the perfectly fucking flat floor. Second call and still, I had more space for her bullshit.

When we finished watching the movie, she walked to Jongin oppa and me that were folding the blankets and kept trying to bend down in front of him to show off her flat ass. Third call, I was close to bursting out of anger, but I could still take it.

It was dinner time, and everyone was called to the table to eat together. I pulled put my chair and as I was about to sit down, the chair got replaced by the floor and I fell onto the floor as I turned to see Yoojin sit on my chair. Last fucking call.

I got up and leapt at her, pushing her onto the floor and went all hulk on her as she screamed, defenceless.

"BITCH ARE YOU DONE WITH YOUR FUCKING ANNOYING AND CHILDISH WAYS? BECAUSE I AM! First, you can fucking flirt with anyone but a fucking taken man, you fucking slut! Second, are you sure that popcorn was spilled onto me by accident? CUS DARLING I CAN MAKE YOUR FUCKING DEATH LOOK LIKE A FUCKING ACCIDENT TOO! Third, WHO YOU TRYING TO SHOW YOUR FLAT ASS CHEEKS TO BITCH? WHO? EVEN MY FUCKING DOG HAS MORE BUNS THAT YOU! Who the hell do you think you fucking are? Get your damn screwed up brain together you flatass bitch. Don't even dream of beating or replacing me," I growled at the last sentence, emphasising every word and continued throwing punches at her face.

"That's my baby," Jongin oppa murmured.

"You go girl, aim for her enormous plastic nose!" Kyungsoo oppa shout-whispered.

The members just stood aside, in awe of what I was capable of doing, none of them wanting to stop me. Finally, although reluctant, Chanyeol oppa and Jongin oppa pulled me away and she started to act pitiful and cry. Oh I wasn't done.

I struggled against their tight grips, yelling at them to let go of me so I can beat that fucked up bitch once again, still yelling, " Don't you even feel fucking bad for ruining a perfect relationship? We weren't even one month into it and you had to come and ruin it! Who the hell are you to do so? You fucking spoilt brat! If you really love him you would wish all the best for him because FUCK YOU, HIM BEING HAPPY SHOULD MAKE YOU HAPPY TOO YOU FUCKTARD,"

Satisfied when she stayed quiet at that, I went to my room to cool off with Jongin oppa following behind me.

I sat on my bed.

"Feeling better?" He snickered.

"Yea but I do feel bad about hitting her nose though, it must have caused a lot," I laughed.

He leaned over and pinched my cheeks.

"Baby you're so cute and fierce at the same time, I love it," He looked at me in adoration, making me smile uncontrollably.

Moments later, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted.

Behind the door revealed Yoojin.

I quickly stood up, ready to fight her and she immediately defended herself, as if she saw through my thoughts.

"I'm here to talk, I promise." She said calmly.

"I'll leave you guys to talk. Baby, be good okay?" Jongin left the room after saying that.

"He's really sweet to you, isn't he?" She smiled painfully.

"Cut the crap," I snapped.

"I'm really sorry for everything. When you hit me, I then woke up. I tried putting myself in your shoes and to be honest if I were you I would have done worse. You were right, if I truly love him, I would let him go. I would wish him the best, and that is what i'll do now. I'm not in the place to ask your for a reply or forgiveness, but please just take care of him for me, and tell him our parents' partnership won't be over," She proceeded to walk out of the room with her head drooped low.

"Wait!" I shouted before she could twist the door knob.

"I'm a bitch till the end, so i'm not a single bit sorry for hitting you and I forgive you," I added. She smiled and thanked me before picking up her bag and walking out the dorm.

"I hope she never comes back," Lay oppa said as he rested his arm on my shoulder while the members agreed.

"Hey!That's not nice!" I defended her.

"Ohhh look who's talking? Says the one that hit her expensive plastic nose huh! Did your affection for her grow while beating her ass?" Kyungsoo oppa so ironically.
I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Moving In & Moving On [Kim Jong In// Park Ji Min]Where stories live. Discover now