32. The Elated Bond

Start from the beginning

You shouldn't have laughed Zoya..

I asked again but no answer my furious husband is still mad at me.

Allah... Help me .

The car stopped in front of my college and I got down bewildered many feeling started to cross my mind but mostly pain.

I miss my collage, friends and my studies.

He might have brought me here to get my transfer certificate. He parked the car a little far from reach, near a tree and came to me.

I was dragged inside straight to the Dean room and I told him " We have to get the TC Form, from the office first only then we should get the Dean signature. " he turned away and didn't look at me.

Is he still angry..... But I heard a low chuckle.

He dragged me in and we were welcomed by the Dean. Oh I forget he is Mr. Ahad Yusif Khan, the business tycoon.... How will my Dean avoid us.

"Good noon sir. " I wished him.

"Good noon please take your seat." We both sat on the chairs.

"How are you Mr. Khan. " and Ahad just nodded... Rude much. He should learn to respect elders first.

" Have you forgot the day you hit him Zoya?" Told my inner voice.

OK shut up.

" And you are from? " he asked me.

"Final year Biotechnology sir " I told him trying to sound loud.

"Fine then... Just sign here." my throat was blocked by a lump. This is it... All over... My dreams are just dreams.... I am born to be a house wife....

I signed the papers with rigid hand and excused myself " I'll wait out Ahad. "

I came out and went to the entrance the security smiled at me and told me " This time I let you in without your identity card but next time I'll not let you inside."

This old man....

I laughed bitterly and told him " I don't think I need that anymore..." With that I started to walk to our car, then someone grabbed my wrist.

"Where are you going? " asked Ahad but I didn't answer I don't want to cry.

"Take this. " he handed me the paper. And my tears are threatening to fall down I didn't look at him.

"Won't you open this? "

"What's there to open Ahad? When I knew what's this. " I yelled at him and turned but he stopped me and told me something that stopped my heartbeat.

"This is your rejoining order! " this time he bursted out laughing looking at me, by then he got a call so he went a little away from me with his phone.

I was just looking at the piece of paper my husband gave me. It was not just a paper but the key to my success, my only desire, my life.

My tears are never ending and he was still on his call. I didn't wait I ran to him and hugged him from behind... Really tight.

In that force he stumbled a little but regain his posture " Zoya.... Hey... Doll... What happened? " he tried calling me but I didn't budge I didn't want to... I was still hugging him and crying my heart out.

He managed to bring me front and cupped my face, I couldn't talk...I can't and started to hiccup.

"Love.... Calm down, come... Just come. " he pulled me to the car. He sat on the passenger seat and made me sit on his lap.

I gulped the water he gave me still couldn't control myself. He hugged me to his chest and rubbed my back that helped me to calm down a little.

He cupped my face and asked me "Aren't you happy ? Didn't you wanna go back to college? "

"Aren't I happy? Huh? Is that a question? I am the happiest person alive in this earth Ahad.... This.... It's my only dream... My studies is the only wish I had in my life and I really struggled for it. " I continued crying.

"It's ok love.." he cupped my face and I took his hand in mine.

"You know what? Many girls are just prohibited to study.. I am one among them (cries). I am not allowed to because I am a girl. Mummy didn't want to send me to college, fearing the society. But after many struggle and prayers my daddy supported me. (Cries) He went against many of my relatives, even against my mom to send me here.

People just don't understand Ahad they just talk rubbish for their entertainment that indeed reflect in our lives. Our parents are afraid to send us to college. (Cries)

Tell me something? Are we not grown up enough to known our limits, why can't they trust us. We are not provided education just because we are girls... (Cries) " I spoke my heart out.

"Calm down doll, who said that ? You girls also deserve your rights. Who told you not to pursue your education? " he asked still hugging me.

"Every girl have some rubbish relatives in her life Ahad and I have many... I faced all of them to reach here and when I was on cloud nine that I could finally complete my bachelors.... My mom broke the pot about my marriage with Arhaan, I knew it will be hard for me to complete what I have started... Then we married and all my dreams are in vain. I didn't want to work or achieve anything Ahad, I just wanted to complete my education (cries)

Then after our marriage all my dreams are in vain I didn't complain but I never thought.. You'll... You'll ( cries) thank you..... Thank you so much. " I hugged him tight.

"Our marriage is not a barrier for you to achieve your dreams Zoya instead it's my job to support you. You spoke about your marital duties as a wife today even I do have my duties, I promised your family to take care of you and make you happy for the rest of our lives and how can I do it if you didn't tell me what's there in your heart? " he was right.

"Today I came to know this accidentally, what if I didn't take any step about your studies... You will bury it within your heart. Am I right? "He asked me in his intimidating tone to which I can't answer so I hung my head low.

He lifted my head with his thumb holding my chin. " Let's make a Vow... From today we have to share everything and to speak our hearts out to each other. No more hidden worries. Are you ok with this? "

"I am... " with that I hugged him again and he hugged me back.

After minutes I opened my eyes to realize something this is the same spot where Ahad asked me out for a coffee first time.

This was the same place I snubbed him..... Months back I would laugh until my stomach aches, if someone told me I'll hug Ahad and sit on his lap like this in his car.

But now everything changed.

He changed,

Situations changed,


I changed.....

Now I can't live without my idiot.

I am greatful to my Allah for giving me such a great husband which was still a dream for many girls.

I am incomplete without you Ahad....


Assalamu allaikum and hello to all my lovelies.....

So how was the chapter... It was full of Ahya moments something you wished in the comments of previous chapter. Ok now let me know what do you want next I'll try to indulge it in the next chapter.

Till then byeee.

Important : Tomorrow I have my practical exams even though I updated for you guys so do consider voting if you like it 😳😳 and pray for me to score well inshaallah... 😌

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- Yours Sajal😀😀

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