Part 41 : Second Labor?

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Bianca heard a splash and looked down. Her water broke. She wasn't ready, the birth was going to be a c-section. "Rose!" She cried.

Everything was a blur as Rose rushed her out and to the hospital. Her mind was racing. There was a history of c-sections in Bianca's family, so she was scared. What if she died due to birth complications?

She had read the text from Sean before it all happened, and now she was even more scared. She couldn't loose Sean again. She won't loose Sean again.

He was going to visit soon, she needed to live. She needed to see the love of her life again. But, it wasn't able to happen. As the doctors but her open she felt as if she was dying.

And as the took his kids out of her she felt out of place, as if her soul was outside of her body. She was dead, she had died. And it was all just a blur of yelling and pain.


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