Get To Know Me Tag

228 4 15

I was tagged by PurpleKittykat393
I tag AmazingMoons13 and xXMeowTaStickXx have fun!

Favorite Song?
I have lots

Favorite YouTuber?
Bee and Pewdiepie mostly.

Favorite Movie?

Favorite Quote?
Sometimes you just have to shut up and accept your wrong. It's not giving up, it's growing up.

Favorite Singer?
T Swift obvs lol

YouTube Crush?
Idk...... (Parker weird voice) Hello Liam

Parker Quote?
'The fans girls will explode'

Bee Quote?
'Who dat? I need to go put on real people clothes!'

Graser Quote?
His random sounds mostly 'Skdoshka'

Favorite Cube Person?
Bee, Masta G

Would give away my age so NO

Child Names?
Girl: Amanda, Boy: Ryan

Favorite Drink?
Dr Pepper ♡☆

Doing Face Revel?
Not planing to



I don't have one... playing to in 4 years tho. Yes I'm that young.

Ever been to a Fair?
Tomorrow Yes

Favorite Animal?
Cats and Penguins

Favorite Color?
Teal or Coral is bae♡☆

78 (jk)

FanGirl duh.

That's it..... lol. I finished Darker so now I can spend all my time doing Applebees! Applebees is going to be WAY longer than Darker. Not going to start Dulani VS TomaJuice untill done with this. Same with BeeTonq. Bye!! ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆
^^^^^^^^^New thing at end^^^^^^^^^

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