Part 2 Summer Kiss!

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Disclaimer. This fan fiction is not or will ever be related to my other fan fictions

Grape's perspective: I hear everyone count down quietly untill school is over. 3,2,1, SUMMER! The halls go crazy as students throw around papers and say goodbye. After I say goodbye to my Bro's (everyone will see each other though) I go to say goodbye to Bee. She looks so happy and beautiful.

Grape: Bye Bee! I dont know why everyone says goodbye anyways.

Bee: What do you mean?

Grape: Everyone knows that they will all see each other the day after.

Bee: Thats true (laughs)

Grape thinks: She looks so beautiful when she laughs. Im gonna miss that. What am I kidding? I will see her at my pool party tomorrow!

Grape: Bee are you coming to my pool party tomorrow?

Bee: Wouldn't miss it for anything in the world!

Grape: Great! Hey need a ride?

Bee: Sure

Grape: Hop in!


Grape: Want me to leave?

Bee: No, I need your help on which swim suit to wear at the party

Grape: Okay.

Bee tries on a ton of swim suits.

Grape: I like that one!

Bee: Me too! Thanks Sean! (Hugs Sean tightly)

Grape: ( Hugs Bee) (looks at Bee)

Bee: (looks at Grape)

Grape: Umm this is awkward. Glad your parents didnt come in. (Laughs)

Bee: Its ok....( Kisses Grape)

Grape: (looks at Bee in shock)

Bee: (pulls away) ummm. That was a friendly kiss right?

Grape: If you want it to be then yes.

Bee: ( gets in normal clothes)

Grape: Now do you want me to leave?

Bee: After this ( she kisses Sean again )

Grape: Bee, do you like me?

Bee: Yes

Grape: Good. Because now I can do this as many times I want ( kisses Bee)

Bee: Are you girlfriend and boyfriend?

Grape: Kiss me of yes. Dont speak if no

Bee: (Kisses Sean)

Grape: Yes then.

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