Part 37 : You're Not Having A Baby

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Bee had calmed down after a week, and was now less depressed. It was her 5th docter apointment. How is the child not dead? Rose thought.

It was the same thing every time, sit down, gel, baby. This time it was different, the docter was panicking, as if he had messed up big time.

"How did I not know?!" He asked himself. "D-doctor? Is everything a-alright?" Bee asked. She was getting nervous, Rose couldn't go, so she was by herself. "Bianca, you're not having a baby..."


The day before Bianca brought up Zack and Bailey again. "Rose? I saw them, their getting abused." Rose tried not to scoff. "How? We didn't see any kids today."

That's when Bianca had explained, she saw them in a dark alley, getting beaten and, from what Bee saw, almost getting raped.

"I did hear some whimpers when we passed an alley.." Rose said out-loud. "But how do you know it was them?" Bee sighed, she didn't want to explain.

"Before Sean and I dropped them off in the orphanage, I gave them two things. Bailey got a locket with Sean and I in it, and Zack got a necklace with a sword on it. I saw the locket o-on the floor, it was Sean and I.."

Rose froze, trying to process everything at once. "Bee, I'm so sorry.."

So aparently it's #appreciatetheauthorday so yeah, I had to update for today. I made the dramitc part the beginning so you all had time to process everything. (At times you guys are Rose xD) This is a really short chapter so PM me ideas, please! I promise to give you all credit for any ideas I use.

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