Heyimbee's Draw My Life + Update

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Hey guys! Today I watched Bee's draw my life! Vote if u saw it too. So.... Bianca. I dig it. Sorry for sometimes doing theese little updates but its getting harder to do this. My mom or sis doesn't know about this. Only my aunt and uncle. The reason I wont tell my mom is cuz I know she will make me delete this. And now that my sis is visiting its harder. I might have to take a brake for a while or if I dont post its cuz of that. I also want to say THANK YOU FOR 200 VIEWS ON APPLEBEES! I know its not much of a big deal but it is for me cuz I thought no one would read it. Guess I was wrong. So thats it for today guys. Sorry about this again. But BTY expect a very long (1,000 or more) of my next mini ff. Gonna try to finish today so I can post it tomorrow. And I have been in a rough month cuz a couple days after I started Wattpad my mom went to the ER. She is all better now though. Gladly I had this. Writing made me happier. Reading other people's ff made me happier. You guys make me happier. I am sorry if I disappointed you.... I truly am. Also I want to give a little surprise to my friends for helping me when my mom was at the ER. Go and read Abby447980 and HeyItsShay14 they were there for me. The lifted me up when I was down. Thank you guys. So thats it. Bye!

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