Part 15 : Kiss?

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Jk! Using POV again. It's all Bee's POV.

Bee's POV
Today Sean is dropping me off at the park. I just want to relax. It's not like Sean is making me feel uncomfortable but I just needed some space. One my way to the park I ran into someone. "Hey Bee." They said it took about a couple seconds to remember it was Jordan. "Hey Jordan" I say and keep walking. "You seem scared or confused." He said. "It's fine. I got in a car wreck, I'm forgetting things, I remembered you." I see Jordan grow fire inside him. He speaks calmly but I know he is boiling inside. "Was it Grape's fault?" He asks. "Grape?" I say. "Oh Sean. No no, It was girls night with Lizzie, Dul , and Sydney. We always take a taxi. That one must've been drunk and he ran a red light" He calms down and we talk. Before I knew it we were both at the park. We sit down on a bench and start talking. Jordan looks attractive at the park. He put his arm around me. We keep talking without a problem. He then gets closer. I don't mind it, It makes me feel safer. "You look beautiful" He says. I blush and look away, some hair covering my face. He leans in closer, I do the same. We stay very close but I just pull in and kiss him. I then hear someone call my name. It's Dul and Stacy! I jump because I didn't know they were going to be here. I go to them and Jordan stays on the bench. "I didn't expect to see you here!" I say after we all say hello. We then start to talk. Dul has a date! Stacy is getting a new puppy named Polly. I kissed Jordan. I didn't tell them that because if that was against something that I don't remember it's best left un-said. We go to eat somewhere and they drop me off at my house. I go inside. "Sean?" I ask to see if he is there. He's not. I go into 'my' room and go on the computer. I play Minecraft for a while. Then Sean comes home. He gets a phone call and sounds frustrated. "No it's not true Dul!" He said. Does he know about the kiss? And if he did why would he be so upset?
WOOOOOO!!!!♡☆♡☆♡☆♡ Drama!!!☆♡☆♡ lol. SO.... QUESTION TIMEZ!!!! Beeyani or Applebees/HeyimGrape? Put the answer in the comments! Bye!!!

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