Part 20 : Also Invited

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Using POV again

Jordan's POV
My friend Justin is getting married soon. He's marrying a real hot girl named Alex. She is really hot but she's not my type. Wanna know someone my type? BEE! I'm really mad that she got her memory back but what if she forgot about me? That would've been bad. Justin texts me saying to go to his house. When I get to his house I see Alex talking to.... If your guessing Kricken your right. I didn't know they were friends. I guess she was also invited. I avoid her and thank gosh she didn't see me. Once I got back to my house I take a shower and go to sleep. Tomorrow is another day...
I did this last night and now I forgot what I was going to say. Lol. Next Part even though it's titled 'the end' it's not. It's going to confuse everyone so much. Bye!!! Please read this before you read the next part!!!

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