Part 17 : Memory

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Bee's perspective: Somehow after what happend on the phone with Sean and Dul I remeber him. I called him Grape and it's his middle name. Our first kiss was in my room during high school. I got pregnant and he helped me. Stayed with me. He proposed at the beach. We have 2 kids. Zack and Bailey. I was pregnant when he proposed. I lost a child and no one told me. Yes, I wouldn't have remembered but once I got my memory back I would know everything that happend. We have a dog too. Leo. I kissed someone while I was engaged. It's not a big deal because I didn't know. Now I have to wait for Grape to come.


Grape: (goes inside house)

Bee: Hey Grape.

Grape: Hey.

Bee: Do you think we can go pick up Leo, Zack, and Bailey?

Grape: Yeah late- wait what?

Bee: Zack, Bailey, Leo. Can we pick them up from my dad's house?

Grape: You got your memory back!

Bee: Yes I did.

Grape: How?

Bee: After you got off the phone and left I looked at everything I knew about you at that time. I then added what I've done and I remembered. Amazing right?

Grape: Very. (Hugs Bee)

Bee: Can we just put the last couple days in the past?

Grape: Of course.

Bee: And is the awkwardness between us gone?

Grape: For me yes. Your answer?

Bee: Yes a million times. (Smiles)

Grape: Do you wanna take it slow? Like, You just got your memory back.

Bee: Yeah. I was hoping you would say that.

Grape: And sorry about lashing out earlier. I wasn't in a good mood.

Bee: Forget it. It's fine. (Smiles)
Ahhhh. Drama coming up in 5 parts!

HeyImGrape | Time Can Tell | COMPLETEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang