Chapter 23 - Shock

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A/N: thanks for being patient, and holy hell! everyone has been voting like crazy, i love it so much, my smile is too big right now. but. i have a serious thing to say, and that is: should this be the last chapter (this is what i want it to end like) and then i write a sequel, or just continue it, with basically the same stuff i am going to put into the sequel? THIS IS SERIOUS i really need answers because i have no clue, but i feel lik continuing it wont really go with the title, but idk i really am stuck. but yeah, i hope this chapter brings a 'shock' to you. ha. and make sure you vote AND COMMENT WHAT I SHOULD DO. xxx i love you all omg

Chapter 23 - Shock


Lissa's POV



That night was a near sleepless night for me, my mind wouldn't switch off. I woke and Niall was still asleep, small snores coming from him, I unwrapped his arm from me and gently climbed off of the bed, I was getting sick or sitting around in his room all the time, it was boring and made me realise that I did I fact have no friends.

I dressed myself to a suitable outfit, before sliding my glasses on and taking my phone. I needed fresh air and some time to myself, and I wasn't sure if walking around campus was the right idea for that.

Normally I would go for a jog, but I hadn't been in the mood for that in a while, it wasn't like I had gained weight, I roughly stayed the same weight unless I really let loose on my eating habits.

As I walked around in a dazed state I didn't notice the two sorority girls run up to me until the slung their arms over me and started talking, in that god awful girly tone they all seemed to have.

"Lissa! You're just the girl we are after, want to come back to the house and have a chat with us, we can do your nails for you?" It was really suss, and when I looked down at my nails I cringed, they were bitten down into my nail beds, it was the stress, but I didn't want my nails done.

"I, um..." They started dragging me off toward their house and I let out a silent groan, I didn't really want to chat to them, usually they talk about three things: boys, girls and beauty.

"So how have you been babe?" The one on my right asks; Cassidy. "Fine, I guess."

"Just fine? That doesn't sound too good." I shrugged, "I just have to focus back on my studies." They laughed, "But it's nearly Christmas break." Doesn't mean you can just slack off.

"Well you know how I am..." They seemed  to agree with that statement, so I hadn't lost my status of being smart, even after being called countless things for being around Niall, Niall. That's what this is all about, they want dirt, they want Niall. This was not a good idea.

However before I could think of an excuse to leave we were walking through the doors of their sorority house. It was gorgeous, that's all I could think of.

They sat me down in the sitting area, and all the other girls that were around swarmed in, all sitting on the seats and on the floor.

Someone handed me a tea but I put it down on the small table next to the chair, I didn't plan on picking it back up. "So, Lissa, what's going on with Niall?" Straight into it.

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