The Fight

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I stood on a hill with my father overlooking the herd. I wondered how my father took care of it all. My father left me alone to admire the herd when Rusty came over.

"You know when your father dies, you won't just suddenly get the herd. Besides, you'll have to fight me for it. Don't worry, I'll take care of it when you lose!" He sneered.

"Don't challenge me Rusty, I'll fight you any day and win!" I growled, just as threatening. He lunged, but I was ready. I spun and kicked up my heels, I felt my hooves hit his head. I turned as he shook his head, I reared and struck his poll with my hooves. When he jerked up his head, I bit him in the chest. He spun around and I quickly ran under him, causing him to lose his balance, when he fell, I placed my front hooves on his shoulder. "The mighty stallion defeated by a colt!" I whinnied in a bold voice. "Just wait 'till I'm full-grown! I'll trample you into the ground! Rusty I hope you've learned not to ever challenge me again!" I said as the angry light faded from his eyes and was replaced by embarrassment. I stepped off his shoulder and let him jump up and shake himself off.

"Well done!" I heard my father call out. He was trotting up the hill, a strong, proud gleam in his eyes. His tail was high and flag-like.

"Who taught you that?" Rusty demanded.

"No one, I did that on my own!" I said proudly as I pranced away, my tail held high to show I won. The herd parted out of my way as I passed, they all looked respectfully at me, then at my father. They lowered their heads as my father pranced behind me, his nose high in the air. I will have them bowing for me one day. I will be the strongest stallion ever! My foals will be born over all the land here. I shall be proud of them, encourage my colts, and frequently tell my daughters how beautiful they are, and what beautiful colts they shall have one day.

"Good fight, father," I heard Uni nicker. Rusty reached out and bit her. I heard her squeal in surprise and pain.

"Leave her alone!" I said as I galloped over. Uni walked over to my side. She pressed her hurt shoulder against mine. I saw Snowflake faintly in front of us. I heard Uni gasp. She saw her to.

"Let me see that," Snowflake said. Uni stepped away and the ghostly Snowflake pressed her muzzle to the swollen bite mark. The swelling went down instantly. I saw Uni's painful expression change as she relaxed.

"Thank you," she nickered softly as the ghostly mare disappeared. "Who was that?" she asked

"My sister," I answered. I stared at the space where the ghostly mare had stood. I will always stay here, Unlike Snowflake, who disappears to an unknown world, disobeying her mother by coming back after she was forbidden to return. Forever trapped in a young yearling's skin when she should be a fully grown mare with foals of her own. If she returns I have a question to ask her, and one only. I pushed it to the back of my thoughts.

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