The Enprisonment

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I looked up at Drake. I felt my blood run cold. His size was intimidating. He was the perfect image of the dragon-horse combination. He was over 22 hands tall. Easily larger than any other horse I had ever seen. Dragoness rose before the others and swished her tail and her ears slightly flickered back.

"How was the hunt?" she said in an almost surly tone. Drake narrowed his eyes and smoke puffed put of his nostrils. His long thin ears flickered back with distaste yet he calmly answered his Queen.

"It went well. Some Unicorns strayed into our territory and we were able to catch a few." He said sternly. Dragoness gave a curt nod. I felt a tension between them that I didn't understand but I didn't dare ask about it. I rose to my feet and looked up at the drake before me. "And where shall our guest be staying?" Drake said with a snarl, his blue eyes flaring. Dragoness flattened her ears.

"In the Crystal Room. He is Divine Equus nobility, Drake," she said firmly. He narrowed his eyes, clearly not pleased with the way she was speaking to him.

"Very well, Dragoness." He hissed and pranced proudly past her with his head held high. Storm turned to follow his father but Drake whipped his head around and blew a billow of flames that caused the colt to skid to a halt, his eyes wide, his dark coat rippling. Drake snorted and kept walking. Dragoness pinned her ears and shot a malicious glare at where he disappeared. Storm stood there, his pride heavily broken. I felt bad for him in a way. My father had certainly never treated me like that. The only time my pride was ever wounded even somewhat by him was when I was first using my legs and I ran right into him. Then again I was too young to truly understand the humiliation of that, only an hour old after all. I inwardly nickered at the memory. Storm snorted and turned and galloped off to what I assumed were his quarters. Moon rolled her eyes and shook her head. Dragoness sighed.

"Moon will you lead Pegasus to his quarters? I'm sure he is exhausted from his journeys." She said, her pupils growing from slits so her red iris was a mere ring. Moon nodded her pretty slender head and turned, her light lavender coat shining in the light, her bright thin white mane moving in long wispy movements. She had an Arabian head and long thin legs that gradually grew white from the knee. Her white tail curled and fell over her flank and the tip dragged the ground. She was a gorgeous filly in all respects. She definitely earned her name. She led me down the hallway to a large entrance that led into a light blue room made of blue crystals. A soft straw bed had been laid out near a window that was carved into the wall, but had thin sickles of crystal forming bars. I walked in and noticed one tall crystal that was leaned against the wall. I walked in front of it and jumped back when a black horse stuck its head out at the same time as me. I flared my nostrils and raised my tail and slowly walked back up to it. The black horse was still there, he had the same wings as me. Another pegasus? He kept mimicking me though. I pinned my ears and he did the same. I reared and struck out at him and he followed my lead. When our hooves should have met, mine hit some in seeable surface. Then Moon walked up behind him and nickered softly.

"How did you get over there, Moon?" I asked.

"Pegasus, have you never seen a mirror before? Turn around!" She nickered. Unsure whether I could turn away from the other horse I warily stepped away and then looked behind me. Moon was standing by my flank! I turned back to the "mirror" quickly, she was still by the other horses side, I looked back, she was at my flank.

"How are you doing that? And who is that stallion?" I asked turning to glare at him, which he matched.

"Pegasus, it shows your reflection, that's you!" She whinnied with amusement. I perked my ears and walked forward. I touched my nose to the mirror and felt its cool surface.

"I have never seen one of these. So that's what I look like?" I said, flickering my ears.

"Yes, silly." she nickered. I snorted and raised my head high. She fanned out her white feathered wings and then re folded them. "So these are your chambers. I will leave you to rest now," she said with a dip of her elegant head, batting her long eyelashes, and then gracefully walking out, light as a feather dancing across the gleaming floor. After she turned out and closed the door, I went over to the straw and laid down tiredly. Dragoness was right, I was exhausted. I stretched my neck out to reach where a dip in the floor was made and some clear water flowed from a spring. I drank gratefully and then nippled on the fresh hay beside it. Once I had eaten and drank my fill, I fell asleep curled up in the straw.

{Moon's POV}

After I turned out of his room, when I shut the door I found Drake standing there waiting for me.

"You made sure our guest was at ease, yes?" He said sternly. I dipped my head.

"Yes Father," I said as politely as I could. Father was always so quick to anger. He had been holding it together for our guest.

"You are not to have a likeness for him," he growled. I flattened my long narrow ears and looked at the floor through my lashes.

"Yes Father " it was easier said than done. Pegasus was a very handsome stallion, what mare wouldn't admire his courage and bravery?

"He started all this. This revolution amongst the Divines. It is wholly unacceptable and the Council of the Golden Hooves have offered a reward for his wings." He said, narrowing his eyes and baring his sharp fangs in a smile. My blood ran cold and my eyes snapped alert and I looked up at him, sharply turning my ears forward.

"Father, you can't kill him!" I whinnied desperately. The next thing I knew I was laying against the wall at the end of the corridor. He still had his clawed forearm held high from where he had knocked me out of the way. I scrambled to my hooves and turned and galloped back to Mother. The click of the lock resonated through the empty halls where father had locked Pegasus in as prisoner. I ignored the stinging pain in my side as I ran, crystal blue tears falling from my eyes. I skidded to a halt in front of mothers chamber and I reared to paw against the door. She opened it quickly.

"Drake is-" I started to say.

"Hush I know, we can't talk about this here dear. Come with me," She said stepping out of the doorway for me to enter. She closed it quietly and locked it.

"Mother you can't let him do this!" I begged her softly.

"Child! I won't let him, I saw the way you were admiring him. However I believe the first thing that needs to happen is rather highly crucial." she nickered quietly. She walked over and placed her muzzle by my ear. "Drake needs to die."

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