Chapter 54: "I Remember You"

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''I should call to check out how's the kid.'' I growled rubbing my eyes. I did fell asleep into the couch and he carried me to the bed.

''It's half past three, if Michael hasn't called you is because everything's okay.'' James mumbled sleepy, putting his arm around my waist.

''Maybe you are right.'' I sighed, resting my head on his chest. ''But I'm going to call him.''

''Tough as always.'' James chuckled as he rolled his eyes. I shrugged and took my phone, dialing his phone number, but vainly.

''I told you.'' James sang.

''Will you shut up.'' I snorted closing my eyes. ''What's the matter, McAvoy.''

''Why don't we go to Scotland?'' He asked, making me open my eyes.


''I've said why don't we go to Scotland, with Jamie.'' He affirmed this time.

''I... I don't know. First of all, I have to introduce you, I have some work to finish, and we don't know how is he going to take the news.'' I sighed. ''It's a bit soon, James.''

''Just take a break.'' He said and I frowned. ''I bet he's already been in Germany too.''

''Of course he has.'' I said. ''I still have my aunt.''

''Then, please.'' He asked me.


''Morning.'' Michael's voice spoke up as his door opened to me. I frowned ashamed.

''Is Jamie awake?'' I asked.

''Sure, we are having breakfast.'' He replied. ''I didn't know the kid speaks German.''

''Well, he does when he's at home with me.'' I replied making my way towards the kitchen. ''Thank you so much, Michael.''

''You don't have to, I'm more than glad to do it.''

''The thing is, we're leaving to Scotland.'' I explained. ''I think that's the best way to tell Jamie about his father.''

''Are you really sure?'' He asked grabbing my wrist. ''Do not make anything you may regret, Victoria.''

''I believe it's best for Jamie.'' I sighed. ''And... It seems like James and I agree.''

''I knew it.'' He grinned sadly, wrapping his right arm around my shoulders as we walked slowly to the kitchen. ''But I have to say... You must be careful. I know you're smart and clever enough to know it. And it's not that I do not approve it, it's that I'm afraid you suffer.''

''I will be careful if that's your fear, Michael.'' I stated. ''But I'm looking for what's best for my son, as I've already told you. Also I have to admit that I don't trust too much James, but all of this is for him. So don't you worry about it anymore.''

''Okay, so... I think the blonde haired is waiting for you.''

''So, who do we have here?'' I asked picking Jamie up, making him curl in my arms.

''Mama.'' He giggled with his arms around my neck.

''Did you have fun with uncle Michael?'' I asked again, kissing his forehead.

''Aye.'' He nodded his head. ''He told me a story last night.''

''Well, it's time to say goodbye, we're going home now.''

''I want to stay here.'' He pouted. ''Uncle Michael, please...''

''Anytime you want, buddy.'' Michael said after taking all his stuff in a bag. ''But you have to promise that you will be a good boy, and also give me a hug after you go.''

''I'm sorry you had to take care of him last night.'' I sighed grabbing the bag when Jamie was outside.

''Don't be.'' Michael grinned and embraced me.

''I'll call you when we're in Scotland.'' I said and he nodded his head. ''Well, I better go now.''


''Tell me, Fassy.'' I turned around, walking back in front of him.

''Be careful, please.''

Somehow, I didn't know how I was going to tell Jamie he was going to met his father in a week from that moment. Of course my son knew who was James, which was his role as parent, but his reaction was a mystery for me, and specially for James. Physically, both of them were very much alike, I knew it since I had Jamie in my arms the first minute of his, now, short life. That's the main reason I named him same as his father, because they were the same.

But now, talking about his personality, the kid had the same temper as me. That's why I couldn't reach the answer.

''Honey, I have to talk with you.'' I told him when we were at home. He was playing with his hands, sitting down the couch. ''In a few days we're going to Scotland, right?''

''Why?'' He cocked his head, looking at me hesitating.

''Because... There the summer is pretty much colder, and here we both are... Quite roasted this summer.'' I chuckled. ''But there's another reason. Papa is going to be there with us.''

''Papa?'' He asked with bright eyes.

''Yeah kid.'' I whispered. ''You excited?''

''Aye.'' He replied.

''And also you are going to meet Scotland.'' I chuckled caressing his cheek with my thumb. ''In a few days we are going to pack the suitcase but now, we are going to visit Evan.''


The choice was made. We were going to Scotland as I told James. It was also a good way to start, to introduce James to his son and vice versa. Though it was hard to admit, the fear crawled up my stomach and heart. The few hours I had left were spent by thinking about how would Jamie react.

What I didn't tell him was, that he would meet his grandparents, but not that day. James was already there in Scotland so he would have it easier to meet us at the airport, or that was what I first thought.

Moreover, the flight were fine. Jamie spent the time sleeping at first and playing then with the teddy bear Michael gave him the night he slept at his house. That hour made me feel anxious as we were getting closer to the terminal. I could see James through the glass when we got the suitcase, and luckily Jamie couldn't. I grabbed his tiny hand to make sure he wouldn't go anywhere else, or get lost.

James was there, looking for us with his eyes. I waved him lightly and enough because the airport was quite empty at that late hour. I crouched in front of Jamie before the moment.

''Okay, so... Do you see that man right there?'' I sighed and asked him, pointing at James with my index finger, who was taking a deep breath while looking at us. ''He is James, your father. So why don't you go and give him a...?'' I tried to finish my sentence but Jamie was already running towards James. I chuckled and waited there, giving them time.

But the tears fell off my eyes as I noticed how much Jamie needed his father, and how this last one, needed his son thought he had known about him a few days ago.

James looked at me, thanking me as he dried the wetness on his eyes. He told me to get closer to them, but I felt... Out of place somehow. Relieved by the reaction of my son, but weird because James and I hadn't talked about us.

''So, here he is.'' I grinned and stood up near James while he had his arms wrapped around his father's neck. ''Is he okay?'' I asked raising my eyebrows worried.

''Pretty much?'' James laughed and grabbed my hand tightly. ''Thank you so...''

''It's okay.'' I nodded my head. ''He must have fallen asleep again because of the excitement.''

''I guess so.'' James chuckled once again, running his hand through my cheek. ''We should go to the apartment.''

''Yeah, sure.'' I said sighing, grabbing the suitcase.

''Hey.'' He said, touching my arm. ''I want to talk with you when we're there.''

''About what?'' I asked looking at him.

''Us.'' He replied and kissed my cheek. 

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