Chapter 11: ''The ghost of you is close to me''

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James P.O.V

''Forget about it.'' I sighed and closed my eyes. I was pretty tired and I didn't want to hear the same things as always.

''Yes.'' She mumbled and I opened one eye.


''I said I want to be your girlfriend. But you must know that sometimes I'll want to cuddle with you, right?''

''Just that?'' I giggled and yawned, rubbing my eyes then.

''I think so.'' She laughed, fixing her hair a little. After that, we both fell asleep all the night.

I woke up to the sound of pouring rain and thunders. It was 8AM and my back was killing me because of the scratches I had. I put some clothes on after having a shower and went to do some coffee for us. I laid next to Victoria, but she didn't notice because she was still asleep.

''Sleepy beauty, wake up.'' I mumbled, kissing her cheek and picking a piece of her hair which was on her face.

''Come on, leave me alone.'' She snorted taking a pillow, covering her face with it. ''Or let me die, as you prefer, but let me sleep.''

''Okay, I guess someone doesn't have a good awakening.'' I laughed opening the curtains of the room.

She rolled onto the bed. ''I'm sorry, I don't really like to wake up.'' She yawned and covered herself with the blankets.

''I see, I see... I did some coffee for us.'' I smirked lightly, giving her a pair of shorts and a shirt.

''Nice.'' She clapped and laughed, taking the clothes with her. ''Do you mind if I use your bathroom?'' She asked shyly.

I rolled my eyes shaking my head.

''Okay, okay.'' She giggled while shrugged, so she went to the bathroom. I waited for her on the kitchen. When she finished, she sat next to me on a chair.

''Do you have to work today?'' I asked preparing two cups.

''No, but it's raining so much and I don't know when I'll be able to come back home.'' She sighed again, looking through the window.

''You can stay here until the rain stops if you want.'' I suggested.

''Don't you-''

''Of course I don't mind, furthermore, I want you to stay.''

''Well, I won't say anything like that anymore.'' She smiled looking at my eyes for a while, then she bit her lower lip. ''So... Do you have to work?'' She asked suddenly.

''No, not today. Also it's raining and we can't do anything.'' I murmured and drank the whole cup of coffee.

''Oh, I see.'' She nodded. The oddity filled the room slowly and we didn't know what to do.

Anyway, I didn't want to put pressure on the situation because it wasn't the most appropriate thing to do or even ask. I sat on the couch when I finished to tidy up the house. Suddenly, I felt someone sat next to me.

''You okay?'' Victoria asked taking my hand.

''Yeah. What about you?'' I questioned back.

''I'm fine, I guess.'' She smirked. ''You know, I'm not the kindest person on the earth, but I don't want to overwhelm you if I show kindness.''

I sighed and opened my arms to take her into a hug. ''That's okay if you don't want to, but you must know that I'll be fine with whatever you do, okay?'' I kissed her hair and fixed it with my fingers.

''I've missed you.'' She whispered looking into my eyes, playing with my necklace. ''And I know that yesterday I wasn't fair with you, so I'd like to apologize again.''

''And so I did too. In both ways, you know.'' I nodded with my head. ''But now the most important thing is that we're together again, not what happened before, right?''

''Can we stay the whole day cuddling on the couch and watching some shitty film?''

''We can also have chocolate ice cream.''

''Dude, you won my heart with that.'' We both laughed and I stroked her cheek softly. She leant over her head a little, with a calm grin on her lips, on her face. Then we kissed and it was a special kiss, not just another.

I could tell she was happy and afraid at the same time because of her eyes. I didn't want to ask her about her past relationships or about the fear she had inside her eyes, but even if I wanted or not, I was worried about it.

''What if we stay the whole day on the couch while cuddling and listening to each other?'' I suggested and she nodded her head, so we did that.

''Okay, it's probably stupid, but yesterday I was mad even know I wasn't right, that's why I came back.'' She laughed taking some ice cream with a spoon.

I burst into laughter when I heard that. ''But you have to agree with me that what happened next, was cool.'' I raised my eyebrows and laughed again.

''I do, but now you have your back covered in scratches and I've got my neck purple because of your teeth.''

''Touché.'' I said. We spent the next hours just talking or simply in silence, but nothing was weird or uncomfortable for us. We were just there.

''Hey, you know what?'' She mumbled as she turned back to see me.

''What?'' I asked sleepy.

''Are you falling asleep?'' She laughed with her both eyebrows raised, pointing at me with her index finger.

''No, I'm awake.'' I yawned, but my eyes were closing.

''Yeah, sure...'' She chuckled and looked through the window like she did in the morning. ''The rain has almost stopped... I think it's time to come back home.'' I grumbled when I saw her got up. I took her hand.

''Are you going to leave me here, alone, and raining?'' I used my puppy face to make her stay with me, and I guess it worked out because she just sighed.

''But... But I have to go as well... I can't stay here forever.'' She bit her lower lip, avoiding the eye contact between us.

''I'm sure you can go tomorrow morning if you want.'' I offered. Then I took her from the hips, falling on the couch again. I kissed her softly and she took off my shirt.

''I think it's time to go, seriously.'' She murmured and gave me a peck on my lips.

''I guess I cannot do anything to convince you.''

''If it were up to me, I'd stay, but I have to work tomorrow and it's late...'' She got up again, and I nodded my head.

''See you then?'' She questioned.

''Well, I have some interviews this week, but when I finish I'll call you.''

''Nice.'' She smirked opening the door after taking her stuff with her. ''Bye.'' She said and kissed me.

''Take care.'' I said half smiling.

''Huh, James?'' She said before I closed the door.


''If you have nothing to do this Saturday night, we could go out if you want.''

''Sounds nice, but I'll let you know when they tell me about this week.''

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