Chapter 46: "It's My Life"

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''You up?'' I heard James question while I moved away my head from his chest, looking then at him.

''I am.'' I replied stretching. ''Last nite...''

''Last nite.'' James chuckled, taking away a lock of hair from my face.

''Maybe we should recover lost time like last nite.'' I joked running my fingers through his arm.

''Today?'' He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

''It's Sunday, no one cares.'' I whispered, leaning to give him a kiss.

''Me neither.'' He grinned, holding me close.


''What's the matter running through your mind?'' James asked me, sleepy at the backyard garden. We were sat on the porch swing, watching the rain fall slowly even though it was the summer end.

''What happened with Joey?'' I questioned, letting him play with my fingers.

''Actually I don't think you should know.'' He replied, tense.

''I do.'' I said, giving him a look. ''I think it's time to know some things, and this is one of them.''

''Michael told me he was there, that's why we left you with Jennifer.'' He said. ''Then, when we found him, he started to speak up bullshit.''

''What did he say?''

''You didn't love me.'' James chuckled ironically. ''That you wouldn't believe me anymore, and a whole lot more but honestly, I don't want you to make bad blood of this.''

''What happened, James.'' I sighed.

''Nothing as wrong as happened to you.'' He simply said. ''We just had... A nice chat, of course.''

''James McAvoy, tell me right now.'' I said.

''He carried with himself a knife.'' James said. ''He tried to... Well, you can imagine.'' He paused. ''Then, we had to kick his ass out of there because he wanted to see you after all.''

''James...'' I sighed.

''I know it wasn't right, but I would shove that knife up his ass if he tried something.'' He shrugged. ''But what did you expect me to do? I found you crying in the hotel room because you thought he did hurt me. So don't expect from me to not break his legs.''

''This crap makes me lose my sleep.'' I mumbled. ''My mother when she was alive, my brother, this fucking piece of shit... I'm going crazy.''

''Are you going to the funeral, by the way?'' He asked me. I let go an ironic chuckle.

''Not even in my worst nightmare.'' I said. ''I guess I will go because of all the bunch of documents I've got to sign because of the heritage of my father, but I'm not too sure because I know my brother will be there. Remember he was her favourite.''

''Can't you sign them here?'' He said confused.

''I should, but she didn't live here officially.'' I explained. ''She inherited the things my parents had together when they both were married and alive, so now, those belong to my brother and me.''

''Who sent you the letter?''

''I think, if I'm not wrong, it was my brother with no doubt.'' I said. ''Probably he sent it to our old house and the postmen brought it here like we asked for.'' I sighed. ''I do understand you are tired of this, I know it James.''

''I don't do anything else because you don't want me to, and I respect your choice.'' He sighed too. ''But if it were up to me, I swear no one would ever had the guts to come back, to hurt you.''

''I can stand their attacks, the ones which are mine.'' I said. ''But what I can't stand is them trying to destroy you.''

''Well, they will keep trying to.'' James shrugged.

''I know, my dear, I know.'' I sighed, getting up before kissing him. ''I've got a few things for you.''

''What are those?'' He asked grinning.

''Well, first I've got a photo album.'' I said. ''And then, I've brought you something from the travel.''

''You needn't!'' He said excited.

''I wanted to.'' I said, giving him a box and the album. ''First open the box and then we'll see the pictures.''

''This is really, really cool. I like it so much.'' He said looking carefully at the necklace with a wide smile. Then, after he put it on, he kissed me. ''I've been wanting one of this since I was... Eighteen probably. But I've never had the time to buy it.''

''I knew, you told me once.'' I chuckled. ''And now, you're going to be the first watching this pictures.''

''I feel special.'' He joked and I laughed. I opened the first page, in which there were a few pictures of my family. I explained everything he asked, every picture until we reached the middle pages, the ones which contained our pictures since we met. It was part of a gift I wanted to give James, but I never had that chance. ''I've always liked this one.'' He whispered, taking the picture in which we were both laughing in a sofa.

''You looked so much younger.'' I joked laughing.

''Same to you, dear.'' He replied chuckling. ''This was the day we got drunk and first kissed.''

''And what a kiss, God.'' I said and James laughed out loud. ''I had shorter hair, I don't know what I was thinking of.''

''You wanted to kiss me, of course.'' James said. I hit his arm.

''You know that is not true!'' I exclaimed. ''You kissed me first and came to my bed.''

''I had to.'' He smiled. ''It seems like it happened a century ago.''

''I guess path did it right those days.'' I whispered, holding the picture with my fingertips.

''Where did you find all the pictures?'' He asked me.

''I've been keeping them.'' I replied. ''Look at this one.''

''Jesus, finally we're equal!'' James exclaimed, taking a picture of me when I was, probably, seventeen. I was with a bouquet of flowers because of a competition. ''You've changed so much.''

''I know.'' I laughed. ''Rebel teenage girl dancing, such a myth.'' I said bursting into laughter. It was still raining. ''James?''

''Yeah, darling?'' He asked, putting his arm around my shoulders.

''What should I do?'' I asked bitting my lower lip.

''If I were you... I'd go to Germany to set everything up as soon as you can.'' He said rubbing my arm. ''It has to be your choice.''

''I'll be there next week.'' I mumbled uncomfortable. ''Do you have to travel too?''

''To the U.S.'' He replied. ''San Diego exactly, but just a couple days.''

''Comic Con?'' I asked him.

''Yeah, then I'll be able to return home.'' 

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