Chapter 16: ''And now you're wishing me well like you miss me.''

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 ''She fainted in the middle of the street and I helped her.'' James quickly said. I nodded my head relieved as I heard his words, which came to me like water for a flower.

''Then I came back to Germany for almost two years and a company offered me to work with famous actors and the first day of work I accidentally met James at the end of the premiere.'' I laughed after my explanation.

''And weren't you scared about living alone in another country again?'' She asked.

''Well, I was scared at first, but then my brother appeared in my life again and we're sharing the apartment.''

''Do you have a brother too?''

''Yeah, his name is Mikko.'' I grinned. ''He's like the male version of myself, even he has long hair.'' I giggled and she did the same. ''So Joy, can I ask you anything?''

''Yes, ask me about what you want.'' She said.

''Tell me about how was James when he was a child.'' I said giggling.

''Oh well, I don't remember it because I'm younger, but he was really calm always and he didn't cry at all. Also he made a lot of mischiefs, but not that bad.'' We both laughed and I looked at James. I bit my lower lip and sighed a little.

''Now, tell me about yourself!'' Joy suggested and giggled.

''I'm now 22 years old, I'm from Germany and my brother lives with me right now like I said before.'' I said. ''Actually I'm working at the premieres of films and I think that's all.'' I laughed again.

''Guys, we need to ask you something.'' Michael said serious and Joy followed him after awhile in silence.

''What's about?'' James asked.

''Have you thought about having kids?'' Joy asked and our faces turned white. I looked at James and he did the same.

''I, well, we don't know.'' James answered. ''First we should make things right, like get married and live together.'' He shrugged.

''But you know each other since more than two years and you look so happy together.'' Joy added and Michael giggled.

''Besides James and I have a perfect relationship, dear Joy.'' Michael said and I rolled my eyes chuckling.

''I think it's a little early to know if we're going to have kids.'' I admitted, taking James' hand. ''You okay?'' I asked him.

''I need to take a break.'' He whispered and got up, going towards the balcony door.

''Is he okay?'' Michael asked.

''I don't know.'' I whispered.

''Let me talk to him.'' Michael said and went to talk with James.

''Joy, can you help me with the food?'' I asked her, avoiding a little what was going on.

''Yes, sure.'' She said as she got up. ''Don't worry about James, he's overwhelmed.''

I nodded my head and sighed silently. ''That's why I prefer Michael to talk with him.''

''Victoria, can I confess you something?'' Joy asked.

''Of course.'' I smiled.

''This thing about parenthood scares James a lot, to be honest.''

''I see, I see...'' I whispered.

''But do you know why?'' She asked again.

''Huh, I guess he didn't tell me why.'' I shook my head.

''When he was 16 and he was dating his first girlfriend, she almost got pregnant, Victoria.'' She whispered. ''He was so scared and paranoid about it, that's why he's acting like that, but I have to say if it were you, he'd be the happiest man alive.''

''I'd like to have a family someday and I'd like James to be the father of my children, because we know each other for a long time and I love him so much.'' I admitted sighing. ''But I think he doesn't.''

''Don't think that... He loves you, you don't have an idea of how much he talk about you everyday.'' Joy said.

''Honestly, I don't know.'' I shrugged again.

''Victoria, call your brother and tell him to come here!'' I heard Michael shout from the balcony.

''I spent most of my time with kids... I don't think right now is the best moment to have one and also, I don't think he'd be happy, just look at his reaction.'' I mumbled dialing Mikko's phone number. ''Mikko, do you want to come to James' house? We ordered Mexican food.'' I told him.

''Did anyone say food?'' He asked and I rolled my eyes.

''I'm picking you up in five minutes.'' I hung up and then left, sighing disappointed when I saw James like that.

''Everything's okay?'' Mikko asked when we were driving to James' house.

''Do you remember when I told you a long time ago that I'm not easy with relationships?'' I asked back.

''Let me think...'' He mumbled. ''Yeah, and that was like two years ago.'' He looked at me and I sighed.

''Nice.'' I said.

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