Chapter 49: "When You're Gone"

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It wasn't James fault. I understood when the time passed by that he wanted the best for me, but I couldn't see it. My mood was impossible to deal with since my mother died and knew all the stuff she did behind me. Probably mourning.

But my choice was made, and nothing could change my mind. Anything or anyone but James. I was leaving, and that meant breaking up and the divorce with James for sure. We didn't talk to each other since that argument the night I received the letter. That's how a breakup works, doesn't it?

That's when I realised, not for too long, that love doesn't conquer it all.

I spent all the way to the airport with a lump in my throat, waiting for something to change things the way they were.

As I arrived there, and walked into the building to check out everything, I heard someone calling my name. It was James, who ran towards me distressed after getting out of the car. He stopped in front of me, trying to recover his breath back again. That's what I needed to stay. He was more than enough.

''I have no time.'' I said with tears.

''This is the third time I run after you to chase you.'' He said. ''You left once to Germany, to Bolton, and I don't want you to leave a third one.''

''I'm in pain with my mother thing.'' I huffed shaking my head. ''I know I was wrong the other day, and I'm sorry, I truly am. But I have to catch that plane.''

''Have you thought about what we said?'' James asked, grabbing my wrist to make me stay. ''I may not be the best husband, but you should consider us.''

''This is not easy for me.'' I replied. ''Besides, we've broken up.''

''And do you think it is for me too?'' He asked. ''Are you giving up like we don't have nothing?''

''I'm not...'' I sighed.

''Yes, you are.'' He said. ''You are giving up, like you don't care anymore.''

''Of course I care!'' I exclaimed, noticing a few people stared at us. I grabbed his hand, pulling him to the seats where no one could hear us.

''You do? Leaving? Why do you always leave when you've got problems?'' He said, taking my chin carefully. ''Look into my eyes and say that you aren't giving up.''

''I'm broken, James.'' I cried out. ''I'm so damn broken and I'm just pulling you down, that's why I leave every time I'm able to.''

''Then why do you say you aren't?'' He asked. ''I'm trying to help you and you don't let me.''

''Because I don't want her to hurt us anymore.'' I hissed. I was about to get up when the voice through the microphone announced my plane had left. Luckily my package was with me. ''Why did you suggested me to leave the other night?''

''I wanted to try you.'' He sighed, wiping away my tears.

''You're such an...'' I said shaking my head.

''I am, but you haven't left.'' He shrugged. ''What are you going to do now?''

''If you can just help me with everything, I'd be more than pleased.'' I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder. ''I bet heaven is yours after all you've been holding on with me.''

''I don't know, but I'm not that bad running.'' He said and I chuckled.

''Why did you come here?'' I asked looking up.

''Ohne dich, bin ich nichts.'' He said and I cocked an eyebrow.

''Did you just learn that sentence in German to tell me that you are nothing without me?'' I asked grinning, very surprised.

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