Treasonous Bitch (Dark x Reader)

Start from the beginning

I think I might have a problem on my hands now. I have no idea how she saw me...I'm not dumb enough to mess around like that in front of random people. I have to get rid of her, but I need someone's help. (Y/N) is nice and trustworthy. That's why I got ahold of her.

 That's why I got ahold of her

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I'm really not in the mood to get pranked so if Dark has something up his sleeve, I'm going to break his legs with a hammer. God damn, he's rubbing off on me a bit. I walked through the breeze, still texting him. He seemed 'normal' now. He was back to cracking jokes and flirting with me in a roundabout way. In a way, it worried me more. I had a feeling it was a cover up. Something was really wrong, but I had no idea what. I got to his door, and just walked straight in like I owned the joint. He was sitting on the couch clearly waiting for me. "(Y/N), what happened to knocking? What if I would've been naked?" he winked. "Not like I haven't seen that before." I said. "What's up? This was urgent, yes?" I asked, sitting next to him. He immediately pushed his phone into my hands. I read the conversation in question. "Uh oh." I said. "Also, random ho? Really?" I covered my mouth a bit. I didn't want to laugh, but I was. "I call it like I see it." Dark said. "I need you to help me. I know what I have to do...I just need an alibi. I need you to stay here and tell everyone I was right here with you." My eyes widened. "You want me to help you get away with murder?" Dark looked at me sternly. "I only asked because I trust you most. I trust you more than Mark sometimes." "Flattering, but we're talking murder here." Dark stared at me. "(Y/N). Trust me." I did trust him, but murder is a pretty serious crime. Going down for it will cost you everything. "Look,there won't be any evidence. Check out my fingers...from the outside of your body this time." I held in my laughter. "You're bad." I said, taking his hand. I turned his hand over and studied his fingers. "No prints." I said. "Yep. We don't leave fingerprints." I was impressed. "So...that helps a lot." "Sure does. Look I'm not getting into trouble...but just in case, I need you to be here and say that we were here. Also, I'm gonna need to destroy your phone." I clutched my phone. "My baby!" I said. "Don't worry...I'll replace it. I'll give you a better one." I frowned. "This is an awfully big favor. What exactly is in it for me? Besides a new phone." "What do you want?" I thought about it. "I dunno, I guess I'll have to think of something." I really didn't know. "Sex?" Dark suggested. I rubbed my hips. "Maybe in 10 years when I stop hurting. I feel like someone sledgehammered my hips and lower back." Dark flexed. "All me (y/n)." "I get it. So when are you leaving?" "Now. As long as we're in agreement that is." I sighed heavily. "Two conditions. One: don't mention my name AT ALL while you're out. Two: Don't tell me about the grisly details. I'm not really sure if I can handle them." Dark and I struck a deal. "Shake on it." I reached out and took his hand. Black smoke shot out from Dark's hand. I had never seen that before. "What just happened?" I asked, pulling away a bit. "We made a contract." My eyes widened. "A contract?" I repeated. "Yeah. If you don't uphold your end of the deal, I can take your soul." I shivered. "Well I'm not backing out, so leave my soul alone. What do you guys even do with human souls?" Dark looked deep in thought. "Eat them? I have no idea, I've never taken one before. I don't want to start. Be good...just fall asleep or something. I can't see this taking too long." I got nervous as soon as he left. I wanted so badly to tell someone what was going on just so I could get some comfort, but I was too nervous. If I told anyone what he was doing, the text messages would be on their phone and I could wind up causing a shitstorm. I just sat back and stared at the wall for what felt like an eternity. I noticed the moon was covered up by clouds. Tonight was a great night for Dark to be out. He loved that sight. The wind picked up and pushed some rain clouds into the sky. My heart was pounding, I felt like I was being eaten by anxiety. Thunder rolled in the distance. I watched as lightening hit the skyscrapers. If I wasn't so scared,it would've been beautiful. I decided to just play with my phone to pass time. It was going on midnight when I finally heard the front door shut. I sat straight up, alarmed. "It's me, relax." I let out a sharp breath. I looked at Dark. He was bloody from head to toe, and surprisingly, a lot of it was his. Alarmed, I ran to him and examined his face. "Are you okay? What happened?" "She put up a good fight...but not good enough." I touched his face. He pulled back. "Stings a bit." he said. He tossed a phone I'd never seen on the floor and ignited it. "Gotta dispose of the evidene." he muttered. I held onto my phone. "Do I have to get rid of mine?" Dark frowned. "Sorry buddy." he said. I tossed my phone into the flames. He snapped his fingers and I immediately had the newest model in my hands. Dark looked at me sympathetically before tossing his own phone into the mix. He wagged his head a bit. That's when I saw the cut. "She tried to cut your throat?" I asked, reaching out to touch it. "Tried. Little did she know, we don't die like that. We do get a bit hurt though." he said, rubbing his throat. He healed himself and before long all he had let on him was her blood. He pulled his shirt off over his head. He had a single bloody handprint on his chest. I got a funny feeling after seeing that. There was something about him that was turning me on. He looked like he'd just walked through hell. The rugged look...he wore it well. I bit my lip a bit. "What?" Dark asked, stepping out of his shorts. "You." I said. "Me? What about me?" he asked. "I want you so badly right now. I can't even explain it." I pushed him on his back and started biting at his neck. I ground my hips against his, I didn't really care that they were sore. Dark pulled me down against him and slipped his tongue into my mouth immediately. I felt him hardening against my core. I brushed by it a few times, getting off on the sensations. "Fuck (y/n)...fuck me." Dark moaned, slipping out of his boxers. I pulled my shorts off and slid my panties to the side, quickly lowering myself onto Dark. He tipped his head back and moaned my name. He chuckled. "This is gonna be fast." he said, bucking his hips a bit. "My adrenaline is pumping...and...fuck!" he stammered, arching his back. I smashed my hips against his firmly. He gripped my hips and held me up while pounding into me. I slid my hips into a position where my g-spot was totally vulnerable. "There?" Dark growled, angling himself. "Y-yes! Fuck!" I whimpered, putting a hand behind my head. I felt my core start to drain and it was pretty obvious Dark was feeling it too. "Shit, I'm so fucking close...sorry." he muttered. Trust me, he had NOTHING to be sorry about. For once in his life he finished first, growling and moaning the entire time. I hit my peak seconds later, bracing myself on his strong chest, smearing his bloody handprint. He breathed heavily, looking up at me in amazement. "That was unexpected." he mumbled. "But amazing." I said. He agreed with me, propping himself up with his elblows. "Thank you for everything." he said, looking dead into my eyes. "Of course...I trust you." I said, hopping off of him, picking my shorts up off of the couch. My legs buckled, but I managed to dress myself. "I guess I'll be seeing you soon?" I said. "Whenever you want." he said. I stretched and yawned. "Can I stay here tonight? I'm too tired to walk." "You know you can." Dark said, outstretching his arms. I collapsed onto him on the couch. I buried my face in his neck. "Goodnight." I muttered. "Sleep tight (y/n)." he said, hugging me close.

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