Chapter 6

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I woke up before Toni and Elissa due to the fact that I had the sun shining in my face thanks to the fact that I had thin curtains. Sighing I got out of bed quietly so as not to wake them, even though they were sleeping on beds on the opposite side of my room, away from my bed. Even so I crept out and shut the door quietly behind me before making my way down the stairs.

I headed straight for the kitchen only to hear someone moving around in there. I froze, if it’s one of the boys then I’m only in my pyjamas. I glanced down at myself to see that I’m in my thick pyjamas that consist of full length bottoms and a matching top that has long sleeves. Well it is December and it is really cold. My top had a picture of a penguin on and the pyjamas were pale blue. Two of my favourite things: penguins and the colour blue. I shrugged to myself and walked into the kitchen to find that Josh was the only one awake.

“Morning” he yawned and I nodded at him, not wanting to speak too much seeing as how I’d just woken up. I didn’t really make sense until I had a cup of tea in front of me.

“Do you want a coffee?” I murmured as I placed the kettle on to boil and turned to look at him. He nodded at me with a smile on his face and asked for sugar and milk.

After the kettle spewed steam outwards I added the hot water to the cups before adding the milk, while stirring. Picking up the cups I took them over to the table and placed the coffee in front of Josh while I took a sip of tea. He nodded at me and we drank our drinks in silence.

“So how do you know my sister?” he asked when I finished my drink. I thought about it, deciding how to tell him without confusing him.

“I became friends with this girl in my A level classes and she introduced me to her sister who knew Elissa. When Elissa’s friend she found out that I liked both your music and Elissa’s she gave me two tickets to see a show of hers. I took Toni with me and from then on we both became fans of your sister until at one point we would go to every show she did that was near us. After a while she recognised us and one day invited us backstage where we hung out with her. We became good friends after that. Then she learnt that instead of moving to London we were moving here for a while so I could have a break from college, so she offered to let us stay with her, as long as we helped out with food and stuff like that” I explained and he nodded along.

“How old are you?” he asked and I looked at him. What a strange question to ask someone.

“Didn’t your mum ever tell you it’s not nice to ask a girl her age?” I teased him and I could tell he didn’t know whether I was being serious or joking. I laughed, “-don’t worry I’m only joking. I’m nineteen, what makes you ask?” he grinned at me but shrugged in response.

“No reason. You just seem older than nineteen” he stated and I nodded before hearing footsteps coming down the stairs.

“Yeah I get that a lot.” I stood up from the table and went over to the kettle to boil it again since the water had gone cold. Josh joined me over by the counter and started pulling cups out before placing coffee in them except two, which I’m guessing were for Toni and Elissa.

“Do you all drink coffee?” I asked him and he looked at me. God those blue eyes are so adorable. Actually he’s adorable. Oh stop it Laura! I scolded myself. Why does the guy have to be so darn attractive? He smiled at me.

“Yeah pretty much, but it keeps us going for the day” he shrugged just as the kitchen door opened and in bounded his band members, followed by Toni and Elissa.

“Laura!” I heard Max cheer before he picked up from behind and spun me around. I giggled as he set me on the floor.

“Good morning sunshine. Jeez you’re hyper this morning” I said to him and he grinned. Strange how he’d gotten used to me so quickly.

This Love's Contagious, So Catch It (Josh Franceschi)Where stories live. Discover now