chapter 3

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A month has passed ever since meeting Liam after so long. He occasionally comes over and spend a whole day with Dani and I. He's like a secret dad. Only he isn't my dad....yet. I haven't met Sophia in person so this situation terrifies me. Today is the day Liam promised to give me an anwer and I really want it to be a yes.

I was waiting by the door, just waiting for Liam to appear. Danielle is busy getting dressed. Liam, Liam , Liam....where are you?

An hour has passed and still nothing. Did Liam bail on us?  I then heard a knock on the door. I ran straight to it and saw Liam but he's not alone. Harry is next to him. Owh my gosh why Harry of all people?

"Sorry for being late Sky, we had some bussines with the boys." Liam said. "You remember Harry right?"

"Hello love." Harry greeted.

"Hello." I said faintly. "Um come in."

I waited for them to sit and called Danielle who was checking her emails in her room. We all sat on the couch with a lot of awkwardness. Why is Harry here?

"So I don't think you'd mind Harry being here. He wanted to go somewhere later with me so I told him to come over here for a while." Liam said.

"No at all. How are you Harry?" Danielle asked.

"I'm great. And I suppose you're good too Dani?" Harry said.

"Yeah I am. So anyways, Liam, you promised Sky something." Danielle said.

"Right..that is...the reason why I'm here anyways. Um..." Liam cleared his throat. "okay so Sky, love, what I'm about to tell you might make you cry, so be prepared."

I was holding Danielle's hand and squeezing it really tight. Might make me cry? What's that suppose to mean?  Liam look at Danielle with a smile and she nodded at him. Is there something I don't know?

"Sky dear, meet your new dad." Danielle said.

I opened my eyes wider than anyone can imagine. I look at Danielle and then Liam. He smiled and open his arms wide.

"Give daddy Payne a hug." he said.

I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug I could possibly imagine. Liam Payne is officially my dad! I let go the hug to see Liam's face again and then hug him again. I can't believe it. I'm happy not only because that I have offical parents but  cause now I can play parent trap. And I know who would be the perfect person to help me.

Liam decided to talk to Danielle privately about the papers and what they're suppose to do and stuff so I'm left alone with Harry. Perfect timing,

"So, you're a Payne now huh? " Harry giggled.

"Funny Harry." note the sarcasm. " I'm actually a Peazer. Unless Dani and Liam get married, I'm gonna have to follow Danielle's name."

"I'm just teasing love. So how did this happened?" Harry asked.

"My parents died." I said.

"Owh love I"m so sorry to hear that." Harry said while rubbing my back out of sympathy.

"Don't be, I'm sure my parents would want Dani to take care of me. And I know they're at a good place right now." I said. "Um so Harry, I heard you like to play match making."

"Haha what do you want love?" Harry asked.

"Want in on Payzer back? It'll like playing parent trap." I said.

"So that's why you wanted Liam to be your dad." Harry said. "Well...."

"Do you like Sophia with Liam?" I ask.

"Not really....."

"Then this is perfect Harry! Just imagine, if this goes well, Liam will thank us! And all the other Payzer shippers in the world." I said.

"Okay fine but if we get caught, all the blame goes to you." Harry teased.

"Whatever." I said and hugged Harry. "Thanks"

"No problem love." Harry said and hugged me back.

Owh did I mention that I have this huge crush on Harry? Well now you know. I loved when Harry is himself around the boys. But it kills me sometimes when he goes out with other girls. Hey I'm a girl, I WILL be jealous.


Hello! :) Sorry for the late update Christmas times are the bussiest of the year! Haha....sorry if it's short too but I really hope you like it. :) Vote, comment and share yeah  ? xx

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