chapter 26

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Sky's pov

When guys complain that girls take too long to get ready for events, THEY ARE LIARS. Dad is taking longer than both mum and I combine! What is he doing? 

"DAD COME ON WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" I screamed from downstairs. I was really nervous and excited. I mean, mum and dad have seen my art before but not in a showcase! I drew them and arranged them in a way that it will tell the viewers a story. And might I say I am really proud of this. 

*15 minutes later* 

I rushed to my section and had to brief some people on the story. You see not only professionals are looking at our artwork but also some families and students of the university. After a short introduction, I let them evaluate my piece while I took a 5 minutes break. I saw mum and dad and they seem pretty happy with my work as they gave two thumbs up to me. I let out a sigh of relief but then realized someone is missing. 


Where is he? Why isn't he here yet? Maybe he's not so fond of coming today. So many questions boggles up my mind. I really hope he does make it. 

In the meantime, I went around looking at other people's work. Most of the showcase today are to help the freshmen test themselves and go beyond what they had drawn before. As I was observing what seems to be a portrait of a lady drawn by a series of numbers, someone tapped on my shoulder. 


"Hello there." A young guy, about my age, said to me. 

Dang it not Harry. 

"Hello." Is this guy in my classes?

"So do you like it?" he asked.

"This is yours?" 

"Yes." he replied. 

"I do. It's really something. I've seen people drawn like this before but yours just seemed so.....real." I said. "Who's the lady?" 

"My late grandmother when she was in her early 20s." he replied. "I'm sorry I feel so rude not introducing myself earlier. I'm Luke." 

"I'm Skylar." I said. 

"That's a nice name." He said. 

I'm not sure if he's complimenting me or flirting with me. 

"He fella don't you do anything naughty now." a familiar voice said. 

"Harry!" I said. "What took you so long?" 

"I"m sorry love I was on my way but the policed stopped me for driving pass the limit but I sorted things out." Harry said giving me a peak on the cheek. 

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