chapter 29

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It had been a hectic day for us all. The guys managed to reach before the baby was born. Dad was super pumped with adrenaline. He was excited and nervous.
I was panicking a lot. Everyone ran around like crazy. And when it was finally done, we were exhausted.

Hailey Peazer Payne. Born 4:30 am. She was the cutest little baby ever! And no I'm not being bias. She's really adorable.

Max and Eleanor eventually drove me home and we slept for the entire morning and woke up at 1 pm.

"Wow have we been sleeping that long?" Eleanor said.

"I guess so." I replied.

"Well since we skipped breakfast. Who wants to head out for lunch? " Max asked.

After lunch we went back to the hospital to visit my little sister and my parents. They looked so happy. I took out the video recorder and recorded mum playing with little Hailey.

"Skylar!" mum said as she saw me walking in the room. "Sweetie I miss you."

"I miss you too mum." I said as I gave her a hug. "Can I hold her?"

"Of course!" mum said and handed Hailey to me.

She has dad's eyes and mum's hair but there was something about her that made it seem like she was my real sister. Or maybe it's just this connection I have with her. Funny how I already feel like we're going to be close when she grows up.


Our schedule to take care of little Hailey was packed. Most of the time dad takes care her when he doesn't have sets or is going for tour. But when he's away our timing is a mess. Mum's rehearsals and my classes are never on the same time so it was easy to alternate each other on taking care of her but it was still very rushed.

I had to drive from campus to the house in 10 minutes and most of the time the traffic is crazy so sometimes I borrow Harry's bike to get home faster. Hailey is a very naughty baby not going to lie. She's mischievous and very sly.

Months had passed, eventually it had been two years since we first had Hailey in our lives. Two days from now, Hailey is turning 2. Everything is happening this week to be honest. Hailey turning 2, dad's coming back tomorrow Hailey's birthday, mum's shoot for a magazine and my letter to study in the US. I haven't told anyone but I had an offer to study arts in the US. My lecturer told me so much about the university. After all I'm already doing my degree and had my foundation here and they really liked my work. The only problem is that I have no idea how to break the news to mum and dad once I get the letter.

While Hailey is in daycare, mum and I went out to buy party things to decorate the house with. We also planned to bake cupcakes tomorrow and plan out the menu for the party. We're not inviting a lot of people, just the lads and some relatives and few of Hailey's friends from the daycare. That little nugget knows how to make friends real quick.

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