Memories of another life

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Hey guys!!! The story is back!! And if you haven't read the first book you totally should! Everything would make more sense.

I hope you like it!


"Mom! I'm taking Noah to go pick black berries! We'll be back before dinner!" I yell into the kitchen.

The cool wind blows through the open door and through my dark hair, making me want to run outside more. I need to get outside and feel the dirt under my feet before I go crazy. I feel a small hand tug at my arm, pulling me out of my thoughts, and I look down to see my little brother, Noah, smiling at me. I smile back and ruffle his hair playfully, making him giggle. My mom then shuffles around the corner and nods her head to me.

"Don't go too far! Make sure Noah stays in your sight at all times. And watch out for rogues! Don't forget the escape route we showed you as well!"
My mom yells as she walks back into the kitchen.

I nod but then realize that she can't see me anymore. Noah laughs at my actions and runs outside before I could answer my mom. I groan and begin to chase after him.

"Okay, mom! Bye!" I yell before I bolt out the door, gaining ground on Noah very easily.

Poor Noah is to slow for his own good... I catch up to him easily and decide to have some fun with him. I reach out for Noah and grab around the waist pinning him into my arms, spinning him around until we both fall to the ground, having a giggle fit. He lays on top of my body and smiles down at me.

" I love you, Amberley." He says, hugging my neck tightly.

I feel my chest tighten at his words, I smile at him and hug him back. Feeling my chest grow lighter with joy, I sigh happily, knowing that my joy was from the love I've just received from my baby brother.

"I love you too, buddy." I whisper then hug him tighter.

"Amberley! Amberley!! AMBERLEY!!!"

I jolt awake when I hear my name being screamed from outside of my little tent. I stumble to my feet and clumsily throw on my clothes. The angry voice calling my name gets louder and I flinch back, knowing I'm probably going to get a beating for sleeping more than my allowed amount. I try to get out before he can find me but I'm not fast enough because my tent flap suddenly flys open and a very angry face greets me. I whimper and jump back as his hand raises. The painful blow hits my left cheek, making me fall to the cold, unforgiving, ground with a painful thud.

Before I could get up, a feel a foot connect with my stomach, making me scream in pain. I try to crawl away but he grabs a clump of my hair and holds half of my body off of the ground. I touch my hair that is being ripped out of my scalp, wanting so badly for the pain to stop. He throws me back to the ground and kicks me again in the stomach making a sickening crack cut through the cold air.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW LATE IT IS?!" He screams into my ear.

I shake my head, knowing my voice is gone, and feel another blow to my cheek.

"ITS TOO LATE!! YOU WORTHLESS SLAVE!" He screams then punches my jaw.

The feeling of my jaw shattering makes me scream out in excruciating pain. You'll get through this Amberley. Just don't cry in front of him. Don't show him your weak.

"I'LL TEACH YOU NOT TO DISRESPECT ME!" His words makes my hair stand on end with fear.

No! No! No! Not again!

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