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The blood was thick and  cumberson , like that of black finger paint. It resembled the color of dark charcoal before its set ablaze. The pictures that ran through her mind were like steel frames, in a black and white Charley Chaplin film.

The plasma slowly dripped until it began running down her body like measuring tape. It dripped from her pelvis to the edge of the heal of her feet. When it stopped, the fluid formed a bubble before sliding onto the cold hard wood floor.

Her frail fingers felt numb as she rubbed them against her thighs. Looking around she could no longer see the phantoms that chased her on the wall. Looking down she saw they were there but very still, not like before, but still like clay figures.

Screaming, screaming, was the noise that she heard.

Blinking she couldn't tell if the sounds were coming from her or someone else.

Then the smell of smoke and burning flesh consumed her lungs, enclosing upon her until she could breath no longer. Rising, from the cotton cloth pillow she could feel her body was drenched In perspiration.

"Help me...Help me!" she whispered hyperventilating trying to catch her breath from who or whatever had taken it in her dream.

The red neon clock glowed in the darkness.

The persistent buzzing continued, causing her to blink her eyes until she could focus. No silent mutilated bodies were lying on the floor, no blood, just her bleak hotel surrounding came into view.

A thought flew though her mind as she pushed the pillow away from her clammy skin.

"I couldn't breath this time! Is the dream getting better or worse?" She whispered

Rolling over she quickly picked up the receiver from the base.

The numbers she dialed belonged to Dr. Manners.

Hesitating before she dialed the last two numbers, she drop the line.

Taking short panting gaps of air through her lungs she attempted to gather her composer.

Her narrow shaped eyes enclosed on the clock. The time gleamed in the darkness of the room it beaming back 4:11am.

"Shit!" she yelled loudly as she jumped from the bed letting her flat feet pounce down on the multi-colored Berber carpet. She sprung from the bed and quickly  into the shower unable to wait for liquid to totally dispense hot water so she settled with a lukewarm sprinkle.

Dain Lawson had dropped her off hours ago. Thankfully the New Years Eve party had come quickly and was a blast. 

The Club made lots of money and she'd worked so hard not to appear suspicious, that she'd actually exhausted herself. Working as if she actually planned to be a valued employee and colleague of Dain Lawson. 

The Many Faces of Marilyn by Author DeAnn DeVilleWhere stories live. Discover now