So Far Away [Naruto Sequel] Chapter 04

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We all knew Temari was worried, but she kept a very calm and knowledgeable expression. “Whenever there’s a sandstorm, it’s best to sit it out… it’s very easy to lose your way once you head into one.” She informed us. “It’s because they try to fight through the storms, you always hear about people who die wandering the desert. It should be over soon, it’ll be fine.” She reassured Naruto, Kakashi cautiously took his hand off Naruto and I slowly drifted to sleep.


Somehow, we made it across the rest of the desert quickly in the morning and were now running to the hospital, where Kankuro was. The guard who was waiting for us at the entrance had informed that he had gotten poisoned.

We reached the room in a matter of minutes. An old lady glanced our way and happened to make eye contact with Kakashi, her eyes widened and she ran past Sakura, Temari and I to Kakashi. “Curse you!” She yelled as Naruto made a clone to protect his sensei. I didn’t really process what happened as it was over quickly.

She skidded back near me and I slowly leaned away from her. “Why are you attacking Kakashi-sensei, you wrinkly old bi—“

“Naruto, don’t talk that way!” I said with a gasp, cutting off his sentence off and I motioned a pointing finger to Sakura. “There are kids here, too. You shouldn’t use that language.”

The old lady apparently didn’t like me talking, so she interrupted. “Konoha’s White Fang! How dare you… How I’ve longed to avenge my son! This is for him!”

“Um, I’m not…” Kakashi tried to speak, but the Granny cut him off.

“No excuses!” She positioned herself into a fighting stance but another old person stepped in front of her with his arm blocking her.

“Take a closer look, sis.” He advised, Kakashi had his hands up in defense and was doing his eye closing smile. “He certainly looks like him, but that’s not him. Besides, Konoha’s White Fang died a long time ago.” The old man continued to reassure her with his rambling. I got bored so I turned to watch the stuff happening behind me, which appeared to be Kankuro lying in a bed with a very painful expression on his face.

“Can everyone stand back a bit?” Sakura requested as she started working on Kankuro. I frowned slightly, I wanted to watch. But either way, I obeyed and left the room.

“Temari,” I turned to her once we were out of the room and she turned her head to me with a questioning look. “Can I use a shower?” She nodded her head and pointed in the direction, and I thanked her and left to the shower.

The sun peeked into the room from a small window I was in as I got out of the shower, I sighed peacefully. Five days of no shower, I felt so clean now. I pulled my favorite outfit out of my bag, which was a plain red kimono that had a black obi. It was a simple outfit but it was absolutely the most comfortable thing I’ve ever worn. And it would keep me cool when it was warm out and warm when it was cold. It was the most talented piece of clothing ever.

I grabbed my hair and put it into a bun, which is what I’ve lately been doing all the time. No reason to have it in the way or having the danger of it being accidently cut off. I slipped on my black ninja shoes and stuffed my other clothes lazily into the bag, and quickly left to rejoin with my team.

I approached the room to see my team was off in their own thing, so I was awkwardly standing next to the two crazy old people. I glanced at the old man and couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. “Hey, old man… you’re eyebrows are weird. Do you have to brush them?” I asked curiously, apparently that’s wrong though, as all the sand ninjas who heard me gasped in a dramatic way.

“Hey! Don’t you know who these two are? They’re the legendary sibling ninjas! You can’t talk to them like that!” One of the ninjas scolded.

The old man chuckled lightly and waved his hand dismissively. “The young one’s just curious.” He patted my head and sighed happily. “Yes.” He told me, which answered my question.

My lips pursed and my eyes slightly twitched. “That’s kind of awkward…”

“Kankuro’s awake!” Another sand ninja shouted, which caused everyone to run to Kankuro, including me.

Temari, who had been at his side the whole time, was the first to address him. “Kankuro, are you okay?”

His eyes slowly wavered over to his sister. “You’re back here already, Temari?”

I clicked my tongue before sighing. “I know. I wish she would’ve gone on more dates with Shikamaru. I just don’t think walking around with Naru, Sakura and I, is a date for you two.” I mused with a shake of my head.

Temari turned around angrily at me with her fist raised. “Shut up, will you!” She yelled before turning back to Kankuro. “I heard the village was in danger.”

“Sorry for making you worry.”

“Idiot, don’t say stupid things like that.” She scolded.

As they finally stopped their little sibling spat, Kakashi turned to Baki. “Please bring me to where Kankuro fought. I may not look it, but I’m pro at tracking.”

“Don’t bother.” Kankuro interrupted, slowly trying to sit up. “All of my puppets have been recovered, right?” The medical ninjas quickly ran off to get his puppets which they returned with, and he started to explain that he had a piece of cloth from one of them and Kakashi could use that for tracking.

Kakashi quickly summoned a bunch of tracking dogs, including Pakkun, and they all sniffed the piece of cloth before running off to go find where they went.

Soon we’d be able to start our mission to get Gaara back. I rubbed my hands together nervously.

I just hope it’ll go smoothly…


End of chapter four!

Kind of short, sorry about that, I hoped you enjoyed anyway. Also, this took a while for me to write because um… my September anime convention that I go to, announced that they were going to post the link for their hotels for the 2012 con. So, I freaked out and got all obsessed of what cosplay I want to do—which I did figure out—and couldn’t wait to book a hotel, so I couldn’t write.

Although, let me tell you, that hotel booking was a battle for most. The Atrium rooms (which you can decorate and it’s possible that you’ll win a contest, which if you do, you’ll get… two? I believe, weekend passes for the convention for next year, and other stuff) were sold out in five minutes, the standard rooms were sold out in two hours, and it was just ridiculous. The site messed up like two minutes before they were supposed to release the link, because of all the people who raided the site.

BUT IT DOESN’T MATTER. Because, I have a hotel room~! :D I love this convention… well, I love ALL conventions. And luckily, my cosplay won’t be that hard. So, yeah… that’s my excuse for not uploading, sorry. xD

So Far Away [Naruto Sequel]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя