Chapter 33

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Lydia's POV

I sat at my makeup table looking at myself in the mirror with my fully done makeup and perfectly done hair. I looked good, I was ready to do this. The ceremony started around 7 so I was going to be there about half hour early. I texted Tyra and let her know I would be on my way to her house in about 10 minutes and she responded back almost immediately giving me the heads-up that she was ready.

"Mom I'm heading out" I yelled downstairs to her as I grab my keys and walk down the stairs.

"Alright sounds good, how late are you going to be?" She asked.

"I don't know yet depends what time Jordan's dad says we're leaving" I called back.

"Alright don't get too out of hand" she joked.

"I won't" I laughed and walked out the door.

I picked up Tyra and watched her walk out of her house in her maroon dress with her hair curled nicely.

"Aweh you look so cute" I said as she sat down in the passenger seat.

"Ooooo you too, trying to impress anyone special??" She smirked.

"No, I just wanted to look good" I snarled back.

"Sure" she smiled.

"Oh be quiet" I laughed and pulled away from her house.

"Luke said the ceremony starts at 7" she said as she played with her hair.

"Yeah I know, we've got lots of time to get there" I smiled. "So about Luke, are you two dating yet or what are you?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know, we both know we like each other but we're kinda just casual make out buddies, which isn't a bad thing" she laughed.

"Oh well that's not the worst thing, I'm sure he'll step up and ask you out soon.

"He better" She laughed

We got to the school about 10 minutes later and the parking lot was packed, It was a nice day for grad, the sun was shining and not a cloud in sight.

We walked inside the school doors and there were people everywhere, the grads were all inside a separate room right now waiting for the ceremony to start so they can all walk in when their name gets called.

"We better go find a seat before it gets too packed" I practically yelled to Tyra so she was able to hear me through all the talking going on around us.

"I think that's a good idea" she yelled back.

We walked into the gym and caught perfect front row seats, right beside where they walk in from. The ceremony should be starting in a few minutes so we got comfy in our chairs  and chatted for a bit.

"I'm really excited to see Riley Rhonda's dress" Tyra whispered to me.

"Yeah me too! She hasn't even shown here boyfriend apparently" I replied back. "But apparently it's black" I added.

"No way, Riley wouldn't wear black dress, she's such a pink barbie kinda girl" she said stunned.

"I know right! It shocked me"

The lights went dim and the principle started to talk and tell everyone to remain in their seats. He welcomed everyone with a smile and then the spotlight moved towards the door that the grads will come from.

"I now welcome out graduate class of 2016" he smiled.

We watched as everyone walked into the gym, one by one as the principle called their name. Everyone looked stunning. Raena came next and she looked beautiful, her dress was champagne and a ballgown style with a sparkly top.

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