Chapter 16

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Jordan's POV

What if Shanda was right..? What if Lydia and I can't handle long distance, we can barely be apart for a day without missing each other, how would I be able to manage a few weeks, or even months? But all I could think about is how much I want to to work.

Just then I got a text from Lydia

"On our way back to the cafeteria. You still there?" -Lydia

I stared at my phone for a moment
"Yup still here" I responded back then tucked my phone into my pocket again

Lydia's POV

"Jordan's still waiting" I said to Tyra as I shoved my phone in my bag and swung it around my shoulder.

"Kk cool, poor guy, he's been all alone for like 20 minutes" Tyra said pretending to feel bad for him

I rolled my eyes "I'm sure he's fine, he had the company of his phone and probably weird gym memes" I laughed

"Gym memes?" Tyra said giving me a weird look.

"Yeah I'm not even kidding, his Instagram is filled with them, that and he follows like a million puppy accounts and just sends me random pictures and videos" I stated laughing

"Aweh that's actually really adorable" she responded while putting her hand on her heart jokingly

"I know" I said blushing

There was a small silence

"So do you think you guys will be able to do the long distance thing once he moves...?" Tyra asked a little hesitant

I stared at the ground for a moment "well I mean I hope so, I don't want to lose him"

"And I know he doesn't want to lose you either, you two are great together and you just click perfectly. You'll make it"

I cracked a small smile and opened the the door to the cafeteria and saw Jordan sitting at one of the tables.

"I'm gonna go see if I can find Luke" Tyra smirked

"Ok sounds good loser" I said jokingly

Jordan and I made eye contact and for a moment something seemed off but then he smiled and it made my heart flutter a bit. I walked over to him and he just wrapped me in a hug and then kissed my forehead.

"Are you okay?" I said brushing my thumb across his cheek and gazing into his green eyes

"Yeah of course" he replied cracking a smile then kissing me softly

In that moment everything seemed right, like nothing could break us apart, and in that moment I realized I was falling in love.

We both pulled away and just looked at each other for a minute until he brushed a piece of hair behind my ear

"You're so beautiful" he said softly

I kissed him once more "wanna go watch some basketball?" I smiled

He laughed and shrugged his shoulders "sure but you might have to explain a few rules of the game to me"

"Wait you've never played?!" I said turning to him

"Well I played in grade 10 but then I broke my collar bone so I wasn't able to anymore, plus I hated every minute of it" he said laughing and grabbing my hand to hold

"Why did you hate it though?!" I practically yelled "It's so fun!"

"Because I was the youngest and played like 3 seconds a game" he laughed "plus I was super small and scrawny"

"I can't even imagine you being scrawny, I mean look at you now I said punching one of his arms"

"Ya believe it or not but I wasn't always such a stud" he said pretending to flip his hair

"You're such a dork" I said rolling my eyes "Wait in was in grade 9 when you played so I was at this school, how come I never saw you play?"

"Probably because you had no idea I existed" he joked

"You actually that's true, but in my defense it was my first year here and I basically only knew the people on my sports teams and some in my class" I stated

We walked into the gym and found a spot to sit on the bleachers

"Sure Lydia" he said pretending to be offended

"It's not like you knew who I was!" I said defending myself and laughing

"Actually if we're being honest I used to see you in the gym all time playing basketball"

"Ooh so you've been creeping on me since grade 9?" I said with a smirk

"Well not necessarily, I just thought you were kinda cute so I liked looking at you sometimes" he blushed

"Aweh that's so adorable" I blushed and laughed "Well look at us now, we're like the power couple, we're adorable"

"We are" he said kissing my cheek

"Oh my God did you just see that play!!?" I yelled interrupting him

"You just ruined our adorable moment" he said not even acknowledging my question

"Well babe, they made an insane play" I said putting on my cute face to make him forgive me "we can try the adorable moment again if you want" I smiled

He smiled back and then kissed me, this time on he lips

"See we can be adorable even if the moment got ruined" I smiled at him again

The crowd started cheering and going insane so I looked to to see what juts happened "Dude did you see that dunk" I heard some guy say to his friend

"Jordan someone just dunked and I missed it!" I basically yelled

"You're so lucky you're cute" he laughed


So what do you think will happen next?! Is Jordan over thinking everything? Will he keep thinking about what Shanda said or will he move on from it and forget?

Leave me some comments and tell me what you think!😊

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