Chapter 9

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Lydia's POV

Jordan dropped me off at home about an hour ago and now I'm just laying in bed after my shower comprehending what just happened. I couldn't believe it

I decided instead of texting Tyra I'd just tell her about it tomorrow at school. Besides, I'm pretty tired.

The next day

*beep beep beep*

"Uuuuughh" I groaned as I reached for my phone to shut off the alarm "how is it already 7:30"

I rolled over out of my bed and began to get ready for the day. I decided I'd wear a white tank top with a pair of denim high wasted shorts. Ill add a little waves to my hair and just some light makeup. I took one last glance of myself in the mirror and headed downstairs to eat breakfast

"morning Mom" I said as I took the Orange juice out of the fridge and poured myself a glass

"morning sweetie" she spoke softly " sleep well?"

"It wasn't too bad" I explained. I took a couple pieces of bread out of the drawer and put them in the toaster and took a seat next to my mom

"how was your night?" I asked taking a sip of my orange juice

"it wasn't too bad, did a lot of paper work that's for sure" she mumbled

"That doesn't sound fun"

My toast popped up so I made my way through the kitchen, grabbed a plate from the cupboard and tossed on some strawberry jam.

"Oh crap it's my day to pick up Tyra!" I said out loud before grabbing my toast and running out the door.

"Have a good day at school" my mom yelled after me

I jumped in my car and made my way to Tyra's house, she doesn't live too far away, practically around the block

*beep beep*

I honked my horn to let Tyra know I was outside. Within a minute she came running out with her backpack in one hand and a bagel in the other.

"So how did last night go" she asked as soon as she stepped in the car

"Tyra you wouldn't believe it" I smiled

"He kissed you didn't he?!"

"Maybe" I blushed making it obvious

"Oh my God" Tyra cried as she took a bite of her bagel "So do you think something will happen with you guys"

I sighed "I don't know Ty, I really like him. And that scares me, it scares me that I could want him so bad and havr it end up not working out"

We both paused for a minute

"I wasn't sure about Chris, but I'm sure about Jordan. I just have this promising feeling" Tyra explained

I smiled as I pulled up to a stop sign "you think?"

"I really do" she smirked

"Speaking of Chris, Jordan kinda sorta punched him last night" I said quietly

"What? Why?" Tyra questioned almost choking on her bagel

"Chris saw me with Jordan and came up to us basically begging for a fight, he said some really hurtful things" I explained

"Oh Jesus Chris" Tyra shook her head "what is up with him lately?"

"I have no idea, but I'm done dealing with his shitty attitude"

"I wonder if he's gonna come to school today" Tyra asked

"I would assume so" I added "I'm just gonna keep my distance"

"I'll fight him if he comes near you" Tyra said throwing both fists into the air

"Oh would you" I smiled and laughed at the face she was making

"No probably not" she laughed "But im not afraid to bitch him out"

"Neither am I" I grinned as I pulled into the school parking lot and shut off my car

Tyra and I walked into the school smiling and laughing when all of a sudden I felt two hands on my hips

"Hey beautiful" he spoke

I turned around and saw Jordan and his beautiful eyes already looking at me "Hey" I said smiling and blushing like crazy

"Have you seen Chris yet?" He asked with a funny look on his face

"I kinda saw him from a distance, why?"

"Raena told me he's got a nice looking shiner on his eye" he blurted

"No way!" Tyra interrupted with the biggest smile on her face "this day is just getting better and better. And it's only 8:30!" she smiled and took a sip of her pure leaf water

"If he says a word to you today I want you to tell me" Jordan said grabbing my hands "I'll have no problem kicking his ass again"

"If he says anything to me Tyra and I are gonna bitch him out" I smiled "Then if it goes further than that you can swoop in and save the day" I added as I pinched his cheeks

"That's what i'm here for " he smiled and kissed my cheek "I gotta head to class, I'll see you later"

"God damn Lydia" Tyra smirked "you did good"

I leaned against a locker and sighed "my heart just popped it's pants"

"You're such a dork" Tyra joked and started walking to her locker

"I'm going to grab my stuff, I'll meet you in class" I said as I started walking away

I turned the corner to my locker area and of course, exactly who I hoping wouldn't be at his locker was there.

"Hey Lyd" he smiled


The suspense! What do you think Is gonna happen when Jordan isn't there? Will Chris use it as an advantage?
Find out in the next chapter!
Feedback from you guys helps me post faster🤗

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