Chapter 4

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Lydia's POV

First block has ended and I'm not really sure where I'm going to go for my next class, considering I'm not taking physics. I walked down the hallway and saw Jordan and Raena talking by her locker right next to the senior Council room, the room I was headed for. As I passed them a million questions ran through my head. Are they dating? Are they just friends? Does he even like me?

I made my way into the council room trying not to make eye contact with either of them.

The room had a few couches, a TV and a picnic table for people who actually wanted to do work. I usually just sit on the couches.

I sat myself down in my usual chair and pretended to be on my phone but I was actually trying to listen to their conversation.

"Alright I gotta get to class" Jordan said as he ended the conversation and waked away

Raena walked into the council room, put her books on the table and sat on the bench and started studying. There was an awkward 10 minutes of silence until one of us spoke

"So what class do you have this block" Raena asked politely

"well I'm not really sure yet" I responded with a laugh " I'm kinda just sitting here hoping no one finds me"

Raena laughed at my remark "That's understandable"

"Ugh it's such a mess in here, what do you think? Should we clean it up a bit?" Raena added

"I definitely think that's a good idea" I laughed back

We ran to the janitors room and grabbed a bunch of cleaning supplies and headed on our way back to the room. We didn't have much to talk about so it was kind of an awkward walk.

"So do you not have a class right now?" I asked

"No I have a spare, I'm not a math person so I take 30-2" Raena said with a laugh

"No way me too!"

"My friend Jordan is totally into math though and it's annoying because he's gets mad when he gets lower than an 80% on something and I'm over here getting like 60% and under on everything" Raena said with sarcasm

"She said he's a friend" I thought to myself, so they must just be good friends but maybe I should casually ask anyway.

"So you and Jordan.. is that like at thing? You two?" I asked cautiously

"No definitely not! We're just best friends, nothing more" Raena explained

I smiled to myself a bit and continued walking, until Mr. James came around the corner. He's in charge of the class I should be in right now so I hinted to Raena that we should get out of his eye sight.

After an hour of tidying up the room we really got to know each other and Raena seems like a really nice girl, definitely have nothing to worry about with her and Jordan so that makes me happy

The lunch bell rang and I made my way to go and find Tyra and Nina because us three always eat lunch together. I told Tyra I'd tell her about what happened with Jordan and I this morning anyway so she's probably dying to find out.

"Yo bitch" Tyra so nicely greeted me as Nina flipped me off behind her. It's a thing we do when we see each other, God knows why.

"Sup nerds, how was physics" I asked

"Super boring actually, except when Mr. Hastings was making fun of Nick for not having a phone" Nina responded laughing

Nick and Chad are Mr. Hastings twins boys and he likes to make fun of them in class, but clearly they don't appreciate it. Especially Nick, he doesn't see the humor some days

"Lydia Gray what happened with you and Jordan this morning" Tyra demanded

"How did you know it had to do with Jordan?" I questioned quickly

"Because you came in all happy and blushy" added Tyra

"wait hold up" interrupted Nina "Jordan? Like Jordan Skye? What happened to Chris?"

"Oh yeah we haven't told her" stated Tyra

"Told me what?!" Nina spat

"well to sum it up Chris has a new lady and totally played me so he's not being discussed anymore" I said with a smile

"Okay then, so then what's going on with Jordan?" Nina asked with smirk

"I'm honestly not really sure we kind of had a moment in the hallway today, when I left you guys go to my locker I turn the corner and he was there and he wouldn't let me past him, every time I tried to move he would move the same way, and he was acting all flirty. But I could totally be getting the wrong impression"

"She's not" added Tyra "he totally likes her and she's gonna fall for him"

I just rolled my eyes and tried to hide my blush

"You know I'm right" she said as she shoved a grape in her mouth

"Who wants to see me shove this entire wagon wheel in my mouth" Tyra proudly asked

We all started laughing and watched as she literally shoved an entire wagon wheel in her mouth with no hesitation.

Continue reading if you want to find out what's going on in Jordan's head😏 leave comments and let me know what you think of it so far, or what you want to see happen next!

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