Chapter 12

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The weekend

Tyra and I were sitting at the score table watching our boys team play, and of course scouting out boys for Tyra

"Im going to marry him" Tyra said as she stared at the boy dribbling the ball down the court

"He's decent looking" I said with wink. "You should talk to him after the game!"

"Ha, no way"

"Why not?! He's cute, tall and he plays basketball" I reminded her

"I can't just go up to him and talk to him, what if he thinks I'm weird" she replied

"Stop it, he won't think that, just do it! If you don't I might drop Jordan and get my hands on him" I joked

"you would not, you're too crazy about him" Tyra teased

She was right, this past week has been nothing but perfect with Jordan.

I smiled as I checked my phone and saw a message from Jordan

Jordan-  "When's you're next break? I just finished working out and I'm bored, plus I might miss you a little bit"

Me- "I miss you too, you can come see me now if you'd like♡the game is about to end anyway"

Jordan- "I'll be there soon, you hungry?"

Me- "starving"

Jordan- "I don't know why I asked haha, we'll go for lunch"

Me- "you're the best, see you soon"
"Ok so Jordan is coming to pick me up and we're going for lunch after the game, but first you are going to get your cute little butt over to that boy and you're going to talk to him" I said raising my eyebrows at Tyra

"You're literally so annoying" she rolled her eyes at me "fine, but I'm not going alone"

*Buzz* that signaled the end of the game

Both teams finished changing and they were now all out in the school hallway sitting in the cafeteria gorging themselves with food.

I looked towards the doors and saw Jordan walk in making his way towards me with a smile on his face

"Hello gorgeous" he said as he kissed my cheek

"Hey you" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a small kiss

"What was that for" he smiled

"What, I can't give my boyfriend a little love" I said smirking

"Of course you can, I don't mind" he said leaning in again

"Ok you two, I'm cutting you off there" Tyra said as she wedged herself between the two of us.

"Tyra is gonna go get that guys number" I filled Jordan in

Tyra rolled her eyes at me

"Oh really" he smiled

"Ok here we go" Tyra took a deep breath and started walking in his direction

"Aweh look at her go, all determined and cute" I said as I rested my head on Jordans shoulder "they grow up so fast"

We watched at Tyra was about to reach him but instead she kept walking towards the bathroom

"Umm, I think she forgot to stop" Jordan said giggling

"Shush" I said as I punched him in the shoulder. "I'll go talk to her"

"Make it quick, I'm starving" he joked

I walked past the group of guys and made my way into the bathroom, when I walked through the door Tyra was right there smiling at me.

"Ok I'm ready" she said as she walked out the door"

"Ok" I said to myself as I watched her approach the guy and soon enough they were exchanging numbers. As I watched them, I noticed Jordan in the distance talking to some girl, then he looked at me signaling for me to come over without the girl noticing. As I got closer to them she was getting closer to him. She reached out her hand as if she was trying to feel his arms but he quickly pulled away.

"Hey babe, ready to go" I said grabbing his hand and glancing at the girl slightly. She scowled and walked away

"Well that was strange" Jordan finally spoke

"Good thing I came in and saved the day, she might have stolen you from me" I teased

"You know that could never happen" he said sneaking his arms around my waste and giving me a soft kiss


"Tyra are you trying to end your not even started yet relationship" " I whispered "freak out over here where he can't hear you"

We ran around the corner of the cafeteria and screeched

"So what did he say?!" I practically yelled

"He said that he's been wanting to talk to me all day but he was just too nervous to come up to me and get my number"

"Ahhh! See I told you it was a good idea to talk to him!" I yelled again

"Are you guys done having you're little freak out" Jordan laughed "this guy is starving over here"

"There's a guy here?" Tyra said as she looked around the room

Jordan grabbed his chest pretend to be offended "Lydia, you're friend is hurting my feelings"

"Ok let's go eat" I said grabbing Jordan's hand. "Ill see you later Tyra"

"Bye Tyra" Jordan said as he stuck his tongue out

"Hey don't be a bully" I glared pointing my finger at him

Jordan smiled at me and grabbed my hand as we walked out of the building 

"Where are we eating" I asked as we hopped in the car.

"I was thinking we could go to that new restaurant over on the north side of town" he responded

"Oooo excited" I smiled "I might just order the entire menu, I'm seriously so hungry" I stated

"Ya but you always say that and then you eat half your meal and you're full" he teased back

"I do not!" I laughed

"Yes you do!" He said as he plugged his phone into the aux cord and turned on some music

Can't Stop the Feeling came on, my favorite song and we sang and laughed the whole car ride.

"Yes, we're here! I gasped and ran to the doors, I could see Jordan laughing at me as he sat in the car.

"Are you going to sit in the car all night or are we gonna get something to eat" I yelled

He shook his head at me still laughing "I'm coming" he yelled hopping out of the truck

"You're adorable" he said before kissing me cheek and grabbing my hand to lead me into the restaurant

We were greeted by a familiar face, one of our friends Caroline

"Oh my goodness! Hey guys!" She practically yelled through the entire restaurant "Do you guys want a table or just take-out?"

"We'll take a table please" Jordan answered

"Yay! Perfect follow me!" She replied with a little too much enthusiasm 

We made our way to our table and my eye catches Chris, sitting at a table with the girl who was talking to Jordan right before we left

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