Chapter 17

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Tyra's POV

"Tyra!" I heard someone yell from across the hallway so I turned me head

"Oh hey" I said smiling and looking at Luke making his way towards me looking adorable

When we reached each other he wrapped his hands on my waste a kissed me

"Well hello" I said smiling with my hands on his chest

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere" he asked in a sad tone

"I've kinda just been wondering around, where have you been?" I asked mocking him

"Looking for you!" He said throwing his hands in the air and laughing

"I've literally been in like 3 spots" I said laughing and defending myself.

"I looked like all around this school!" I didn't see you!"

"Well I was in that council room for a while, did you look there?" I said with a smirk

"Well... no." He said brushing a hand through his hair

"There you go" I teased back

"Well you shouldn't have been in there for so long!" He said trying to defend himself.

"I'm sorry, I had a best friend emergency" I answered back smiling until I was interrupted

"Luke I want to go home and you're the one with the car here" I heard a familiar voice say. Luke rolled his eyes and turned away from me.

"Well I guess maybe you should have stayed home like mom said, you knew I was going to be late" he explained as the girl came into my sight.

My jaw dropped when I saw who it was

"Well I didn't want to sit at home and do nothing today, besides there's lots of boys here" she said as she winked at a guy walking by

"You're unbelievable" he said glaring at her

"Sorry Tyra this is Shanda, my sister from hell" he said glaring at her again

"Oh shit" I thought to myself

"Hey, I'm Tyra" I said faking a smile but actually wanting to throat punch her

"Yeah whatever" she said practically ignoring what I said "what time are we leaving"

"I don't know Shanda" go for a walk or something" he spat at her

"Do these shoes look like they should be outdoors" she said pointing to her red high heels with a bit of sparkle on the toe.

"Oh my God you're so dramatic" he trying to walk away taking me with him.

"Um where do you think you're going" she said following us

"Jesus Christ" he mumbled

"Here, take the truck and go find something to do that's not here" he said tossing her the keys.

"Thanks" she said smiling and walking away

"Well she kinda seems like a brat" I said watching her as she walked out the doors.

"She is" he laughed

"Do I tell him about what I heard her and Chris talking about...?" I thought to myself. I think I'll just leave it for now and maybe tell him later

"So I've got a game in about 20 minutes, wanna watch it?" He said giving me a smile"

"Yeah definitely! I think a couple of my friends are in there anyway so I'll just join them" I said peeking my head in the gym and spotting Lydia and Jordan.

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