Chapter 31

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The picture above is Tyra, just decide to change her face
Lydia's POV

"What do you mean you can't, baby come on its me" Jordan said as he stroked my cheek. "I won't hurt you, it was just a simple misunderstanding"

I paused for a moment and tried to hold back my tears.

"I just need a break" I managed to get out. "You hurt me really bad, I know you didn't mean to but it doesn't change the fact that it happened, and every time I look at you right now, all I see is the person who hurt me and I can't be with that person right now."

"Lydia don't do this to me" he said grabbing my hands and looking like he was about to cry. "I'm sorry, I fucked up and I know it but just give me another chance"

I brushed my hand through the side of his hair and smiled "I love you Jordan, but loving you is an impossible journey that doesn't seem to have a happy ending"

"Why can't we have a happy ending..?" he said through teary eyes and a shaky voice.

I had no words, I just stood there trying to say something but no words came out.

The door opened and Nina came walking in "Lydia, Mr.... oh shoot, I'm so sorry, did I ruin something...?" She said covering her mouth.

"I'll be right there, just tell him I had to take an important phone call" I said to her before watching her walk out.

"Please don't do this, just stay with me, let's go for lunch or something" he whispered.

"I can't" I whispered back while trying to break eye contact

"I have to go.."

I leaned in to him and kissed him one last time, the kiss seemed to last forever and I found myself not wanting to break apart but I had to.

"No, don't stop" he whispered once we parted

We were still face to face "I have to" I whispered back.

I let go of his hands and started to walk away, still holding eye contact. "I'm sorry" I whispered before walking out the door.

I left him alone as I walked to my next class.

"Hey Lydia" I heard a fake cheery voice say from behind me.

I turned around and saw the face that ruined everything. "What do you want Shanda"

"You're supposed to take me to my next class remember?" She said smirking.

"I'm quitting, find someone else to pester all day" I responded then started walking faster.

"Ugh, you aren't allowed to do that" she snarled.

I turned around and got close to her. "Honestly Shanda I can't stand being near you, you ruined my relationship and looking at you makes me want to punch you in the fucking face. So you either find someone else to help you around or I'll end up fucking hitting you" I snapped, it all just came out unexpectedly.

She looked at me with scared eyes and started walking away. Once she was out of sight I leaned against the locker and sunk down to the ground. I cupped my hands in my face and started to cry, until I felt warm hands touch my cheek.

Tyra's POV

It's almost 20 minutes into class and Lydia still isn't here, I pulled out my phone to text her but when I unlocked it I saw a message from Luke instead

Luke --meet me in the parking lot in 10 minutes--

Crap, this was sent 8 minutes ago! I quickly asked the teacher to go to the washroom and he let me, I ran down the hallway and outside, into the parking lot and there he was, standing at his truck with a smile on his face.

"You're almost late." he yelled at me with a smirk on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming here." I yelled back as I walked closer to him.

"I did, I texted you" he laughed

"That's not what I meant you dork, why didn't you tell me you were coming to this school?" I was now about a foot away from him.

"Because I wanted it to be a surprise, and I wanted to catch you off guard and do this" he said as he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. All of a sudden we were kissing and it felt so right, once we pulled apart we just looked into each other's eyes and got caught in the moment.

"You definitely caught me off guard" I smirked.

"I'm sorry for not texting you or anything, I just wanted this to be a huge surprise" he said with a smile.

"Oh it's was definitely a huge surprise, especially because Shanda came too..." I whispered the last part.

"What do you mean...?" He raised his eyebrows.

I looked at the ground and tried to avoid eye contact. "Well uh, she kinda broke up a relationship last night..."

"What?! Who's relationship?" He said shockingly.

"Jordan and Lydia..."

"No way... oh God tell them I'm so sorry. What did she do?" He asked

"It's a really long story, basically she told Jordan that Lydia was cheating on him and then manipulated him into kissing her. Long story short Lydia saw them kissing and now they're broken up" I explained.

"Oh my God, she's always been in love with Jordan and she just can't stand seeing him with someone else, shit I'm so sorry she did this, I'll make it up to them"

"No it's not your fault don't worry about it" I said back.

"Ya but if we never came to this school this never would have happened, God she sleeps with him once and now she can't let him go." He explained again.

"They slept together?!" I spat "Jordan told Lydia that they only hung out a few times, he never said anything about that"

"That's what he told her? Jordan and Shanda were basically dating, they just never gave it a title" he said.

I stood there silently, stunned. "I can't believe he never told her that"

Jordan's big secret is out! Why do you think he never told Lydia the real story? And who do you think approached Lydia while she was crying?

Also, thanks so much for the 1000 reads! It's so great considering I had no idea how this would go since it's only my first book☺ so thank you for following the story!

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