Chapter 22

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*2 months later*

Lydia's POV

"Oh my god that looks so good on you" I said to Jordan as he walked out of the change room in a navy blue suit

"Yeah?" He smirked back

We've been shopping for Jordan's grad suit all day, we've been in and out of a few stores but I think we finally found a winner.

"I told you navy would look good!"
I walked over to him and fixed his tie "I have never seen a man look so hot, you need to get this"

"Babe please, I look this good 24/7" he said smirking at me.

I shook my head and smiled at him.

"Brett what do you think?" Jordan called to his brother who was sitting on the bench looking unimpressed and staring into his phone

"Looks good" he replied as he continued staring at his phone

"You didn't even look at me" he snapped

Brett looked up and looked at the outfit "Jordan, I honestly don't care what you wear, as long as we get out of this store and go eat" he said in a fake cheery voice

"Why did you even come" Jordan joked

"Because dad made me, asshole" Brett snapped back

"Ok you two" I interrupted "No arguing today, I'm in charge"

The two of them looked at me and raised their eyebrows.

"You're younger than both of us why are you in charge" Jordan said laughing at me

"Because your dad said so and he loves me" I smiled back and crossed my arms

They both made faces at me and shook their heads. I studied both of them for a moment "you two look so much alike"

They both gave me the exact same glare and then scowled at each other

"Never say that again" Brett finally said

"Yeah I can't talk to you if you think I look like him" Jordan added crossing his arms also

"Oh get over yourself" I said giving him a playful glare

"Whatever" Brett added "get that one and let's go"

Jordan made a face at Brett, mocking what he just said then turned to me "Do you think I should get it?" He asked

I smiled because he looked so adorable "Do you love it?"

"I love you, and you love it" he said smiling back at me.
"I'm gonna get it" he started leaning closer to me to give me a quick kiss

"Thank God" Brett yelled

"Brett you literally ruin everything" Jordan said stopping what he was about to do

"You guys are gross" he responded as he started walking away

Jordan rolled his eyes and buried his head in my neck "He's so annoying"

"It's ok" I said wrapping my arms around him and laughing "you've just gotta get through a few more hours"

"I'm so glad you came today because I probably would have killed him and left him to rot somewhere" Jordan said before walking back into the change room to take the suit off.

I dropped my jaw and slapped his arm "Jordan Nash Skye you're horrible"

"Hey no hitting, that's bullying" he teased back.

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