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A/N: I know the beginning is almost identical to that of chapter 55 but please bare with me. Enjoy the last chapter! x

*Ian's POV*

I got on the eight hour flight to London and throughout the whole thing I couldn't sit still. I was much too excited to sleep or relax. I convinced myself to watch a movie but I paid no attention and just thought about Natalie the whole time.

Would she be as excited to see me as I was to see her?

What would we do over the next two weeks?

Would she still look the same?

Okay, that one was stupid. Of course she would. She was beautiful.

When the captain finally announced that it was time to land, I almost squealed out in excitement.

So what if I'm a guy? Don't judge!

After going through customs and picking up my luggage, I got an Uber to Natalie's house.

"Are you excited?" the driver asked me after I told him of the situation.

"Very," I replied, my lips curling up into a smile as we approached Natalie's home. 

"Go," he said, patting my shoulder.

Smiling wider, I got out of the car and took my suitcase from the trunk. As I walked up to the door, I searched the path for a flower pot. When my eyes rested on a small pot of pretty flowers, I looked underneath and found the spare key that Amy left for me. 

*Natalie's POV*

My ears perked up as I heard a slight creaking coming from the hallway.

"Amy?" I called out, expecting her to jump out at me any second. 

When I received no answer, I called out again, "Amy? This isn't funny!"

Once again, I received no answer, so, beginning to become worried, I grabbed the wooden spoon from the kitchen drawer and slowly edged my way into the living room. 

*Ian's POV*

I stayed quiet when Natalie called out because I wanted to surprise her. I peaked around the living room door and saw her slowly making her way towards me, wooden spoon in the air, ready to swing. Chuckling as softly as I could, I took a step. 

*Natalie's POV*

I saw movement in the door way and, with one swift movement, threw my wooden spoon in their direction. They ducked.


Terrified, I ran as fast as I could up the stairs and into my bedroom. I could hear the footsteps behind me as I stood by my bed, searching for a hiding spot. 

Suddenly, I was rugby tackled onto the bed with a large, heavy, masculine body on my back. I screamed and thrashed around, trying to release myself from their grip, which only tightened around my waist.

"PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" I yelled as I squirmed around.

"I would never hurt you," a low, husky voice murmured into my ear.


"The one and only." He rolled off of me and lay on his side, so that I could see him.

For a minute I just stared. I stared at his perfectly chiseled jaw bone; I stared at his biceps as they flexed to keep him in the position he was in; I stared at those mesmerizing sapphire eyes that I missed and loved. I stared until I was snapped back into reality by Ian clearing his throat. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, after we sort of patched things up over text, I thought that maybe we could resume where we left off."

I smiled, "Good call." I reached out to cup his face in my hands, but at the last moment he turned away. 

"What is it?" I queried.

"Natalie, why did you let me go that day? Why did you let me walk out of that door with no questions asked? Surely if you really wanted this then you would've fought for us."

I lay there, mulling this over for a second before replying, "Letting go doesn't mean I don't love you." I sighed, "It just means I love you so much that I want you to be happy. And If you wanted to leave then I assumed that was what was going to make you happy."

Now it was his turn to stare, the ghost of a smile on his face.

Finally, Ian spoke, "Did you just say that you love me?"

I looked down as a blush crept its way onto my face, "Yeah, I suppose I just did."

He lifted my chin up gently and pulled me into his chest, holding me close. 

I sighed softly and nuzzled my head into his neck, before tilting my head up so that my lips were next to his ear and whispering:

"I love you, Ian Somerhalder."



I know I said this would be uploaded on Saturday but I couldn't wait so here ya go!

I'm extremely emotional right now:

I'm happy because I don't have to worry about updating anymore.

I'm sad because I spent so long on this and now it's just finished.

I'm excited because I can focus on new story ideas now.

I'm so many emotions!!

Mostly I'm just very thankful for all of you amazing readers that supported me throughout. 

Especially @Saskiaaaaxo ! Thank you Hun xxxx

So yeah......... also notice that the last line is "I love you, Ian Somerhalder" which is also the title of the book. It's stupid but it was one of the only plans I managed to stick to throughout the whole book.

I hope you enjoyed reading 'I love you, Ian Somerhalder' just as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Anyways..... thank you so much everyone! Stay tuned for more books (I probably won't publish anything for a few weeks, though).


~Lauren xoxo

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