Twenty Four

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We arrived at the vampire diaries set and piled out of the car. Ian was hurrying because he was late and needed to get to hair and makeup. Amy and I followed but lost him when he was pulled away by staff. We stood awkwardly in the doorway until a short, middle aged woman emerged from a room and spotted us. She smiled and headed in our direction.

"You must be Natalie!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace.

"Um.... yeah." I said. 

Who the hell is this woman?

"I'm sorry to ask, but, who are you?" I asked, as politely as I could. A look of shock spread across her face.

"Oh, I'm Julie. The writer and producer of the show. I assumed you would know me seeing as you watch the show and all."

I was about to reply when Amy butted in.

"No, no, she doesn't watch the show. I dragged her to the meet and greet with me so that I wouldn't be alone." She chuckled at Julie's confused expression and extended a hand. "I'm Amy, by the way. Huge fan!"

"Hi there, Amy." she replied, shaking her hand and smiling. "So you're the reason behind Ian constantly checking his phone and talking non-stop about Natalie here."

I blushed instantly.

"Yes, I guess I am." Amy grinned, laughing at my red cheeks.

We followed Julie into a room full of cameras and people hurrying around, talking into head sets and organizing the scene. 

"Oh my gosh!" Amy squealed from beside me, "I'm in the Salvatore living room!" 

Great, she was in fan girl mode again.

We sat and watched as Paul and Candice did a scene, then Ian and Kat joined them and they did a group scene together. Paul and Ian kept making each other laugh but eventually they started working seriously and filmed the scene perfectly. They were all very talented and I admired that about them.

When the director shouted "Cut!" for the last time, Candice ran up to us.

"Hey!" she said.

"Hi." I replied. We were soon joined by the other three and I hugged Ian.

"You were amazing." I said.

He grinned. "Thank you." 

"Ahem!" Paul interrupted. "We were in the scene as well." he whined.

"Yes, and you were all very good."

"You said Ian was 'amazing'" he retorted, playfully jutting out his lower lip like a child. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry. You were all amazing!"

"I know, I know."

We all laughed and everyone separated to go to their dressing rooms. Amy went with Kat, leaving me alone.

"Would you like to come to my dressing room?" Ian asked, smirking at me stood by myself.

"Please." I said, following him as he walked down the hall.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at a door labelled "Damon Salvatore".

Ian opened the door and walked in. The room was a medium size, with a brown leather sofa against one wall, a window and wardrobe against another and a dressing table against the last wall. I turned around and saw that the wall with the door on was plastered in photos. I went to take a closer look. There were pictures of Ian and fans, Ian and the cast, Ian and his family and then...........Ian and me! What? I didn't know what to think. Why did Ian Somerhalder have pictures of me on his walls. He must've seen me looking because he spoke up.

"Oh, um, yeah. About those....."

I let out a small giggle before throwing my arms around him. I didn't really know why. I was just really happy. I soon came to my senses and pulled away.

"Wait..... why are those on your wall?" I asked, curious.

He ran a nervous hand through his hair.

"Well, I know I've only known you less than a week and it might seem stupid but I would already call you one of my best friends."

I giggled again and kissed him. 

"Oh, yeah, and there are the benefits of kissing." he winked.

I shoved him but I was smiling anyways.

Ian quickly got changed and we headed out to meet the others. We had only been on set for a few hours so had the rest of the afternoon to enjoy. We all stood outside by Paul and Ian's cars.

"So what do you all want to do this afternoon?" he asked, looking around the circle.

"Um, we could go to the water park?" Candice suggested.

"It's not hot enough today, and we'd only have about three hours there before it shuts." Amy replied.

"What about laser tag?" Kat said. "It's fun and it'll last long enough to spend the whole afternoon."

Silently agreeing, we all nodded.

"Okay, then. Laser tag it is." Ian stated, hopping in and starting the car. We all got into our assigned vehicles and drove to the laser tag arena.

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