Fifty Four

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Several days had passed since the text messages were exchanged between Amy and Joseph. Today was the day Joseph was flying into England and, while I was happy for Amy, a hint of jealousy managed to creep its way into my emotions. Amy seemed unfazed by this as she carried on smiling and just generally acting excited. She'd made plans for us to hang out before Joseph arrived today. I wasn't sure why. Usually we would just hang out in one of our homes and binge watch TV shows. However, I wasn't complaining. It should be fun.

In the morning, before Amy arrived, I decided to get some writing done. It was a while since I'd continued with the book. I sat with my cup of tea and pancakes and got to work.

After an hour of continuous writing, I got bored and picked up my phone to go on social media. I found myself caught up in Facebook videos and Snapchat stories.

Soon enough, I heard a knock at the door. Still distracted by my screen, I opened the door and was met by a very excited Amy. Her smile faltered when she looked at me, though.

"Natalie? Why aren't you ready?" she asked, her annoyance clearly showing through the sweet tone she used.

My eyes widened. "Oh! I forgot! Give me ten minutes!"

With that, I ran upstairs to the bathroom and took a very hasty shower that only lasted five minutes (personal record, I'm proud!).

Then I swiftly went to my room and changed into a burgundy skater skirt and a white cropped t-shirt. Then I scraped my wet hair into two plaits and applied concealer quickly followed by mascara and lip balm. Once satisfied with my appearance, I headed back down the stairs into the living room where I found Amy reading my work.

"I'm ready." I stated from the doorway.

Amy turned her head and grinned. "You look much better," she said, before turning back to the screen.

"Why are you reading that?" I queried.

"I got bored waiting. It's very good by the way. I love the detail. There's just one thing missing."

I raised an eyebrow. "And what's that?"

"A title," she said whilst typing something into my laptop.

Curious, I walked over and saw that she'd typed in her own title.

'How to get a guy in five days.'

Chuckling at her, I made a mental note to change it later and ushered Amy out of the door.

It turns out Amy had gotten us tickets to see 'Suicide Squad' in the cinema. We bought our snacks and went inside to find a good seat. We spotted a good row in the middle and made our way over there. This proved to be quite difficult seeing as we were carrying popcorn, chocolate, nachos and drinks along with our bags and tickets. Eventually we made it to the row and settled down to watch the film.

A/N: Ugh my laptop is refusing to load wattpad so I'll have to publish my chapters from my phone for now. I have 3 chapters pre-written so hopefully my laptop will work again by the time I need to start writing more...

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