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Amy and I made our way downstairs and to Ian's car. On the way out we were bombarded by reporters shouting questions at me.

"How does it feel to be with Ian?"

"Do you know the true reason behind the divorce?"

"What's it like to be the rebound girl?"

That one really hurt. Rebound? I wasn't a rebound, right? No. Ian wouldn't use me like that.

We got into Ian's car and he started driving.

"Are you alright?" he asked, looking concerned. Probably because of my expression.

"Yeah, fine. I've just never been bombarded like that." I replied, smiling to reassure him.

Amy leaned forwards from her position in the back seat. "Come on, Nat. I was scared. And they weren't even talking to me." 

"I'm fine, honestly." I snapped.

She retreated back into her seat. "If you say so."

Ian placed a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

When we eventually arrived at Daniel's house, I was taken aback by the sheer beauty of it. It was positioned in a small neighborhood of equally amazing houses, on the top of a cliff over looking the sea. Ian led us through the house to the garden, where there was a large patio, a large lawn and an infinity pool. 

"Wow." I breathed.

"Thank you." I heard a voice behind me. I spun around and saw Daniel grinning at us.

"Hi!" I said.

"Hey," he replied, "nice to finally meet you." He pulled me and Amy into a hug and said we were welcome to look around.

I didn't want to be too nosy so I settled in a deck chair by the pool. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sun, when I felt someone tickling my nose. I looked over my shoulder, expecting to see Ian but was greeted by Joseph. 

"Omg hey!" I beamed, standing up to hug him. I saw Paul and Phoebe standing by the door so I ran up to hug them as well. 

"Good to see you all again." I told them. This was going to be a fun day. 

Daniel and Paul were on food duty while the rest of us set up the table. We also laid out blankets across the lawn and lounged around on them, chatting and playing games. When all of the food was finally ready, everyone raced to the table to ensure they got what they wanted. By the time I got to it, a lot of the good stuff was gone. I sighed, starting to pick out whatever I could salvage when Ian tapped my shoulder. He was holding a two plates full of delicious barbecue treats. He handed one to me.

"Awe Ian, you didn't need to get mine for me." I said, smiling. 

"Well, I kind of did. You've never been to one of these barbecues before. I knew you wouldn't be prepared for how eager these people are."

I looked around and spotted Amy, sat eating with the others. She seemed to have latched on to their plans, so must've used her long legs to run to the table with them all. I grinned and thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. 

"Ooh the lovebirds are kissing!" Candice teased. 

"YUCKY." Phoebe and Paul chanted at the same time. We laughed and went to join them.

Later that night, at around 6pm, everyone had gone inside because of the cold, leaving just Ian and I outside. We were just talking to each other, the conversation flowing with no awkward silences. We never seemed to run out of things to talk about. I loved it. 

"I'm going to the loo. Won't be long." I stated, standing up and heading towards the house. 

I walked past the living room where people were playing some kind of drinking game. 

"Hey, Daniel." I called, "Where's the bathroom?"

"Just down the hall and to the left." he replied sloppily. Clearly he was already drunk. 

I love you, Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now