Thirty Eight

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Despite the constant annoyance that I was leaving Ian, the flight home was amazing. Amy and I had scraped together enough money for business class and it was great. I decided to watch The Vampire Diaries on my TV but I turned it off after a while. Seeing Ian with other people bugged me, even if he was just acting. I spent the rest of the flight reading 'Papertowns' and then Amy and I agreed to watch the summer finale of Pretty Little Liars together. To say I was shocked would be a mega understatement. Unfortunately, we now had to wait eight months for the next season. 

Even though the flight was amazing, I felt a sense of relief when we finally landed back on the ground. I took one look at the classic British weather and sighed. LA was so much warmer than this. We quickly collected our luggage and headed out to the car park where we'd left my prized possession: Bruce. 

Bruce was my matte black mini cooper. Liam had bought him for me on my twenty fifth birthday and had been taking good care of him throughout the full nine months I'd had him. Amy laughed at me when I'd shown him to her the first time around but I knew he was growing on her. 

After stuffing all of our belongings into the boot and the back seats, the two of us set off for home. 

"How are you feeling?"Amy asked, once we were out on the M25.

"I'm okay, why?" I replied, pretending to be oblivious to her reasoning.

"Well, you did just leave your boyfriend on the other side of the world. You shouldn't really be 'okay'."

I sighed. "I'm not 'okay'. I just know there was nothing I could do about it and I have to continue with my life."

Amy nodded in agreement. 

"Anyways," I continued, "enough about my love life. What's up with you? Is there anyone you're interested in?"

When Amy hesitated I grinned devilishly.

"There is someone, isn't there?" I questioned further.

A blush slowly crept it's way up Amy's cheeks.

"Nope." she stated, stubbornly. This wasn't enough to convince me, though. 

I stayed silent, knowing that my piercing stares should be enough to get a confession out of her.

Amy kept looking at the windshield for a few seconds before the tension finally forced her to talk.

"IkindalikeJosephalotbutobviouslyhedoesn'tfeelthesamesoitdoesn'tmatter." she sputtered out in a whirlwind of noise barely clear enough to hear. I, obviously, heard it anyway.

I took a moment to let the information sink in. Then the excitement set in.

"OH MY GOSH! Amy!! This is great! We have to get the two of you set up together!" I would've squeezed her tight right then and there, but I didn't want to crash the car.

Amy's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red as she listened to my reaction.

"It's not a big deal. He probably didn't even acknowledge me. Everyone was focused on you, remember? You're the one that started dating Ian."

"What are you talking about?!" I demanded, suddenly slightly angry. "Everyone loves you! They all wanted to hang out with you probably more than they did me!" 

"Only because they wanted you to be alone with Ian!! All anyone cares about is you and Ian! I think it's pathetic, really. You practically had your tongue down his throat only three days after you met the guy! Talk about desperate." she scoffed at the end, folding her arms and staring out at the road, a scowl on her face.

I decided to hold back any snarky comments brewing in my mind and instead focused on remembering the way to Amy's house. The fact that it was 4am didn't help me when it came to navigating the streets of London but soon enough, I came to a stop outside of her apartment and sat in silence, waiting for her to get out. She did, after a slight hesitation; then she grabbed her stuff and headed inside. 

I drove away and to my own home. When the car was unloaded I fumbled for my keys and let myself into the house. The familiarity of it comforted me as I made my way up the stairs and into the bedroom. As soon as my body hit the soft sheets on my bed, I fell asleep, exhausted from the day's events.

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