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Ian had told me to wait until we got back to the beach and then he would explain everything to me.

In the car no words were exchanged. I just sat, staring out of the window. All I kept thinking was:

I'm not going to be some kind of side chick. I won't have any part in this. Nikki seems way too nice and happy for me to do anything like this!

We finally pulled into the beach car park and got out. Ian lightly gripped my arm and led me down to the sea front.

"You're not going to drown me, are you?" I asked jokingly.

Ian smiled weakly.

"No," he replied, seriously, "What I'm about to say is private information. No one else knows apart from me, Nikki and our lawyer."

He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. Gosh, his eyes were so beautiful.

Stop thinking like that, Natalie! This is a serious moment.

"Do you promise not to tell anyone what I said tonight?"

"Yes, Ian, of course. But what could be so important that no one is allowed to know?"

"Ok, basically, Nikki and I have been divorced for three months."

"WHAT?!?" I cried in shock.

"Ssshhh." he hushed me.

"Sorry," I whispered, "Divorced? As in..... not together?"

"Um, yeah. That's what divorced means." he chuckled.

"But how can you be divorced without the media finding out?"

"Well, we told the media that she's gone abroad to help with our charity. But, in reality, she's just staying at her house in Hawaii, with another man."

"Oh my god, Ian I'm so sorry."

"No, no, it's fine. We'd been having massive arguments all through last year, so decided it's best to just split. We didn't want any extra attention though, so we are keeping it private for now."

This was not what I was expecting.

"And you haven't even told your friends on set?" I asked, surprised that they didn't know.

Ian looked down at his feet.

"No, I feel like it would be too embarrassing for me to tell them the truth."

"Ian, you have to tell them. I know they'll be supportive. I already met two of them. The relationship you all have is unbreakable."

"Ok, I'll tell them in the group chat tomorrow. Can I add you in first, for support?"

"Of course you can." I smiled up at him.

He pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you!"

We stayed there talking for a little longer, but I soon decided it was time to go back to Amy.

Ian understood and drove me back to my hotel. 

"I had a really great day today." I said when he pulled up outside.

"Yeah, me too." He said, smiling at me.

I leaned over and hugged him. He placed a soft kiss on my cheek. I felt myself blush as I opened the door and started towards the main entrance. I turned around and waved as Ian drove off. 

I sighed contently. Today had been amazing.

When I walked into the hotel room I was immediately bombarded with questions from an excited Amy.

"Oh my gosh how did it go?" 

"Why didn't you reply to my texts?"

"Why were you out so late?"

"Did he kiss you?"

I laughed. "Hello to you to."

"Just answer me."

I rolled my eyes.

"It went well, I didn't reply because we weren't on our phones, I was out late because we had a lot to talk about and no, he didn't kiss me."

Amy nodded, but gave me a look to signify that she wasn't satisfied with my answers. 

I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"You know I want you to tell me everything that happened, right?" she said, smirking.

"Yeah, you're my best friend, why wouldn't you?"

We made coffee and sat out on the balcony. I told her everything that happened, excluding the nearly-kiss and Ian's divorce.

"It sounds amazing!" she murmured when I was finished talking. 

"Yeah, it was."

I love you, Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now